Seif Haridi
Seif Haridi
Professor of Computer Systems, KTH, RISE
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Apache flink: Stream and batch processing in a single engine
P Carbone, A Katsifodimos, S Ewen, V Markl, S Haridi, K Tzoumas
The Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering 38 (4), 2015
Concepts, techniques, and models of computer programming
P Van Roy, S Haridi
MIT press, 2004
DDM-a cache-only memory architecture
E Hagersten, A Landin, S Haridi
Computer 25 (9), 44-54, 1992
The Aurora or-parallel Prolog system
E Lusk, R Butler, T Disz, R Olson, R Overbeek, R Stevens, DHD Warren, ...
New Generation Computing 7, 243-271, 1990
Efficient broadcast in structured P2P networks
S El-Ansary, LO Alima, P Brand, S Haridi
Peer-to-Peer Systems II: Second International Workshop, IPTPS 2003, Berkeley …, 2003
State management in Apache Flink®: consistent stateful distributed stream processing
P Carbone, S Ewen, G Fóra, S Haridi, S Richter, K Tzoumas
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (12), 1718-1729, 2017
Peer-to-Peer resource discovery in Grids: Models and systems
P Trunfio, D Talia, H Papadakis, P Fragopoulou, M Mordacchini, ...
Future generation computer systems 23 (7), 864-878, 2007
Programming paradigms of the Andorra kernel language
S Janson, S Haridi
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1991
The essence of P2P: A reference architecture for overlay networks
K Aberer, LO Alima, A Ghodsi, S Girdzijauskas, S Haridi, M Hauswirth
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'05), 11-20, 2005
{HopsFS}: Scaling hierarchical file system metadata using {NewSQL} databases
S Niazi, M Ismail, S Haridi, J Dowling, S Grohsschmiedt, M Ronström
15th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 17), 89-104, 2017
Mobile objects in distributed oz
P Van Roy, S Haridi, P Brand, G Smolka, M Mehl, R Scheidhauer
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 19 (5), 804-851, 1997
DKS (N, k, f): a family of low communication, scalable and fault-tolerant infrastructures for P2P applications
L Onana Alima, S El-Ansary, P Brand, S Haridi
3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2003
Kernel Andorra Prolog and its computational model
S Haridi, S Janson
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1990
Symmetric replication for structured peer-to-peer systems
A Ghodsi, LO Alima, S Haridi
International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer …, 2005
Lightweight asynchronous snapshots for distributed dataflows
P Carbone, G Fóra, S Ewen, S Haridi, K Tzoumas
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.08603, 2015
Garbarge collection for Prolog based on WAM
K Appleby, M Carlsson, S Haridi, D Sahlin
Communications of the ACM 31 (6), 719-741, 1988
Ja-be-ja: A distributed algorithm for balanced graph partitioning
F Rahimian, AH Payberah, S Girdzijauskas, M Jelasity, S Haridi
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing …, 2013
Programming languages for distributed applications
S Haridi, P Van Roy, P Brand, C Schulte
New generation computing 16, 223-261, 1998
A statistical theory of chord under churn
S Krishnamurthy, S El-Ansary, E Aurell, S Haridi
International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, 93-103, 2005
Clive: Cloud-assisted p2p live streaming
AH Payberah, H Kavalionak, V Kumaresan, A Montresor, S Haridi
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), 79-90, 2012
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Articles 1–20