Gary D Sanders
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Theory of optical properties of quantum wires in porous silicon
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical Review B 45 (16), 9202, 1992
Absorption coefficients and exciton oscillator strengths in AlGaAs-GaAs superlattices
WT Masselink, PJ Pearah, J Klem, CK Peng, H Morkoc, GD Sanders, ...
Physical Review B 32 (12), 8027, 1985
New evidence of extensive valence-band mixing in GaAs quantum wells through excitation photoluminescence studies
RC Miller, AC Gossard, GD Sanders, YC Chang, JN Schulman
Physical Review B 32 (12), 8452, 1985
Effect of band hybridization on exciton states in GaAs-Al x Ga 1− x As quantum wells
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical Review B 32 (8), 5517, 1985
Theory of photoabsorption in modulation-doped semiconductor quantum wells
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical Review B 35 (3), 1300, 1987
Electronic properties and optical-absorption spectra of GaAs-Al x Ga 1− x As quantum wells in externally applied electric fields
GD Sanders, KK Bajaj
Physical Review B 35 (5), 2308, 1987
Optical properties in modulation-doped GaAs-As quantum wells
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical review B 31 (10), 6892, 1985
Ultrafast magneto-optics in ferromagnetic III–V semiconductors
J Wang, C Sun, Y Hashimoto, J Kono, GA Khodaparast, Ł Cywiński, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (31), R501, 2006
Excitonic transitions in GaAs/Ga x Al 1− x As quantum wells observed by photoreflectance spectroscopy: Comparison with a first-principles theory
WM Theis, GD Sanders, CE Leak, KK Bajaj, H Morkoc
Physical Review B 37 (6), 3042, 1988
Effects of uniaxial stress on the electronic and optical properties of GaAs-As quantum wells
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical review B 32 (6), 4282, 1985
Optical properties of free‐standing silicon quantum wires
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Applied physics letters 60 (20), 2525-2527, 1992
The next generation global gravitational wave observatory: the science book
V Kalogera, BS Sathyaprakash, M Bailes, MA Bizouard, A Buonanno, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.06990, 2021
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of propagating coherent acoustic phonons in heterostructures
R Liu, GD Sanders, CJ Stanton, CS Kim, JS Yahng, YD Jho, KJ Yee, E Oh, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (19), 195335, 2005
Chirality-Selective Excitation of Coherent Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes<? format?> by Femtosecond Optical Pulses
JH Kim, KJ Han, NJ Kim, KJ Yee, YS Lim, GD Sanders, CJ Stanton, ...
Physical review letters 102 (3), 037402, 2009
Radiative decay of the bound exciton in direct-gap semiconductors: The correlation effect
GD Sanders, YC Chang
Physical Review B 28 (10), 5887, 1983
Electronic states and cyclotron resonance in n-type InMnAs
GD Sanders, Y Sun, FV Kyrychenko, CJ Stanton, GA Khodaparast, ...
Physical Review B 68 (16), 165205, 2003
Theory of coherent acoustic phonons in In x Ga 1− x N/GaN multiple quantum wells
GD Sanders, CJ Stanton, CS Kim
Physical Review B 64 (23), 235316, 2001
Resonant coherent phonon spectroscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes
GD Sanders, CJ Stanton, JH Kim, KJ Yee, YS Lim, EH Hároz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205434, 2009
Probing strained InGaN/GaN nanostructures with ultrashort acoustic phonon wave packets generated by femtosecond lasers
JS Yahng, YD Jho, KJ Yee, E Oh, JC Woo, DS Kim, GD Sanders, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (25), 4723-4725, 2002
Band-mixing effect on the emission spectrum of modulation-doped semiconductor quantum wells
YC Chang, GD Sanders
Physical Review B 32 (8), 5521, 1985
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