Peter Gorm Larsen
Cited by
Cited by
Formal methods: Practice and experience
J Woodcock, PG Larsen, J Bicarregui, J Fitzgerald
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 41 (4), 1-36, 2009
Systems of systems engineering: basic concepts, model-based techniques, and research directions
CB Nielsen, PG Larsen, J Fitzgerald, J Woodcock, J Peleska
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 48 (2), 1-41, 2015
Modelling systems: practical tools and techniques in software development
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Co-simulation: a survey
C Gomes, C Thule, D Broman, PG Larsen, H Vangheluwe
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (3), 1-33, 2018
Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, P Mukherjee, N Plat, M Verhoef
Springer, 2005
Co-simulation: State of the art
C Gomes, C Thule, D Broman, PG Larsen, H Vangheluwe, 2017
The overture initiative integrating tools for VDM
PG Larsen, N Battle, M Ferreira, J Fitzgerald, K Lausdahl, M Verhoef
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 35 (1), 1-6, 2010
Integrated tool chain for model-based design of Cyber-Physical Systems: The INTO-CPS project
PG Larsen, J Fitzgerald, J Woodcock, P Fritzson, J Brauer, C Kleijn, ...
2016 2nd International Workshop on Modelling, Analysis, and Control of …, 2016
Applying formal specification in industry
PG Larsen, J Fitzgerald, T Brookes
IEEE software 13 (3), 48-56, 1996
Modeling and validating distributed embedded real-time systems with VDM++
M Verhoef, PG Larsen, J Hooman
FM 2006: Formal Methods, 147-162, 2006
The IFAD VDM-SL toolbox: a practical approach to formal specifications
R Elmstrøm, PG Larsen, PB Lassen
ACM Sigplan Notices 29 (9), 77-80, 1994
Collaborative design for embedded systems
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, M Verhoef
Academic Press 10, 978-3, 2014
VDMTools: advances in support for formal modeling in VDM
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, S Sahara
ACM Sigplan Notices 43 (2), 3, 2008
An overview of the ISO/VDM-SL standard
N Plat, PG Larsen
Sigplan Notices 27 (6), 76-82, 1992
Information technology-Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces-Vienna Development Method-Specification Language-Part 1: Base language
PG Larsen
ISO/IEC 13817-1, 1996
Features of CML: a formal modelling language for systems of systems
J Woodcock, A Cavalcanti, J Fitzgerald, P Larsen, A Miyazawa, S Perry
System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 2012 7th International Conference on, 1-6, 2012
A lightweight approach to formal methods
S Agerholm, PG Larsen
International Workshop on Current Trends in Applied Formal Methods, 168-183, 1998
Maestro: The INTO-CPS co-simulation framework
C Thule, K Lausdahl, C Gomes, G Meisl, PG Larsen
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 92, 45-61, 2019
Constructing neural network based models for simulating dynamical systems
C Legaard, T Schranz, G Schweiger, J Drgoňa, B Falay, C Gomes, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (11), 1-34, 2023
Digital twin of electric vehicle battery systems: Comprehensive review of the use cases, requirements, and platforms
F Naseri, S Gil, C Barbu, E Çetkin, G Yarimca, AC Jensen, PG Larsen, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 179, 113280, 2023
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