Ken'ya Furuta
Ken'ya Furuta
確認したメール アドレス: nict.go.jp - ホームページ
Measuring collective transport by defined numbers of processive and nonprocessive kinesin motors
K Furuta, A Furuta, YY Toyoshima, M Amino, K Oiwa, H Kojima
PNAS 110 (2), 501-6, 2013
Autoinhibition and cooperative activation mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein
T Torisawa, M Ichikawa, A Furuta, K Saito, K Oiwa, H Kojima, ...
Nature Cell Biology 16 (11), 1118-1124, 2014
A high‐speed atomic force microscope for studying biological macromolecules in action
T Ando, N Kodera, Y Naito, T Kinoshita, K Furuta, YY Toyoshima
ChemPhysChem 4 (11), 1196-1202, 2003
Minus-end-directed motor Ncd exhibits processive movement that is enhanced by microtubule bundling in vitro
K Furuta, YY Toyoshima
Current Biology 18 (2), 152-157, 2008
CRMP‐2 directly binds to cytoplasmic dynein and interferes with its activity
N Arimura, A Hattori, T Kimura, S Nakamuta, Y Funahashi, S Hirotsune, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 111 (2), 380-390, 2009
Functional dissection of LIS1 and NDEL1 towards understanding the molecular mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein regulation
T Torisawa, A Nakayama, K Furuta, M Yamada, S Hirotsune, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (3), 1959-1965, 2011
Systematic comparison of in vitro motile properties between Chlamydomonas wild-type and mutant outer arm dyneins each lacking one of the three heavy chains
A Furuta, T Yagi, H Yanagisawa, H Higuchi, R Kamiya
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (9), 5927-5935, 2009
Programmable molecular transport achieved by engineering protein motors to move on DNA nanotubes
R Ibusuki, T Morishita, A Furuta, S Nakayama, M Yoshio, H Kojima, ...
Science 375 (6585), 1159-1164, 2022
Creating biomolecular motors based on dynein and actin-binding proteins
A Furuta, M Amino, M Yoshio, K Oiwa, H Kojima, K Furuta
Nature Nanotechnology 12 (3), 233-237, 2017
Diffusion and directed movement: in vitro motile properties of fission yeast kinesin-14 Pkl1
K Furuta, M Edamatsu, Y Maeda, YY Toyoshima
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (52), 36465-36473, 2008
Katanin p80, NuMA and cytoplasmic dynein cooperate to control microtubule dynamics
M Jin, O Pomp, T Shinoda, S Toba, T Torisawa, K Furuta, K Oiwa, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 39902, 2017
Gliding filament system giving both global orientational order and clusters in collective motion
S Tanida, K Furuta, K Nishikawa, T Hiraiwa, H Kojima, K Oiwa, M Sano
Physical Review E 101 (3), 032607, 2020
Kinesin-6 Klp9 plays motor-dependent and-independent roles in collaboration with Kinesin-5 Cut7 and the microtubule crosslinker Ase1 in fission yeast
M Yukawa, M Okazaki, Y Teratani, K Furuta, T Toda
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 7336, 2019
Small teams of myosin Vc motors coordinate their stepping for efficient cargo transport on actin bundles
EB Krementsova, K Furuta, K Oiwa, KM Trybus, MY Ali
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (26), 10998-11008, 2017
A single protofilament is sufficient to support unidirectional walking of dynein and kinesin
K Shibata, M Miura, Y Watanabe, K Saito, A Nishimura, K Furuta, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42990, 2012
Coupling of two non-processive myosin 5c dimers enables processive stepping along actin filaments
LK Gunther, K Furuta, J Bao, MK Urbanowski, H Kojima, HD White, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4907, 2014
Planar cell polarity induces local microtubule bundling for coordinated ciliary beating
S Nakayama, T Yano, T Namba, S Konishi, M Takagishi, E Herawati, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 220 (7), e202010034, 2021
Synthetic biology approaches to dissecting linear motor protein function: towards the design and synthesis of artificial autonomous protein walkers
H Linke, B Höcker, K Furuta, NR Forde, PMG Curmi
Biophysical Reviews 12, 1041-1054, 2020
Different motilities of microtubules driven by kinesin-1 and kinesin-14 motors patterned on nanopillars
T Kaneko, K Furuta, K Oiwa, H Shintaku, H Kotera, R Yokokawa
Science Advances 6 (4), eaax7413, 2020
Re-engineering of protein motors to understand mechanisms biasing random motion and generating collective dynamics
K Furuta, A Furuta
Current opinion in biotechnology 51, 39-46, 2018
論文 1–20