Massimo Inguscio
Massimo Inguscio
Professor of Physics, LENS & Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Firenze & INRIM
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Cited by
Anderson localization of a non-interacting Bose–Einstein condensate
G Roati, C D’Errico, L Fallani, M Fattori, C Fort, M Zaccanti, G Modugno, ...
Nature 453 (7197), 895-898, 2008
Experimental determinations of the hyperfine structure in the alkali atoms
E Arimondo, M Inguscio, P Violino
Reviews of Modern Physics 49 (1), 31, 1977
Josephson junction arrays with Bose-Einstein condensates
FS Cataliotti, S Burger, C Fort, P Maddaloni, F Minardi, A Trombettoni, ...
Science 293 (5531), 843-846, 2001
Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in synthetic Hall ribbons
M Mancini, G Pagano, G Cappellini, L Livi, M Rider, J Catani, C Sias, ...
Science 349 (6255), 1510-1513, 2015
Bose-Einstein condensation of potassium atoms by sympathetic cooling
G Modugno, G Ferrari, G Roati, RJ Brecha, A Simoni, M Inguscio
Science 294 (5545), 1320-1322, 2001
Fermi-Bose Quantum Degenerate Mixture with Attractive Interaction
G Roati, F Riboli, G Modugno, M Inguscio
Physical Review Letters 89 (15), 150403, 2002
Ultracold atoms in a disordered crystal of light: Towards a Bose glass
L Fallani, JE Lye, V Guarrera, C Fort, M Inguscio
Physical review letters 98 (13), 130404, 2007
Self-bound quantum droplets of atomic mixtures in free space
G Semeghini, G Ferioli, L Masi, C Mazzinghi, L Wolswijk, F Minardi, ...
Physical review letters 120 (23), 235301, 2018
Two atomic species superfluid
G Modugno, M Modugno, F Riboli, G Roati, M Inguscio
Physical Review Letters 89 (19), 190404, 2002
Bose-Einstein condensate in a random potential
JE Lye, L Fallani, M Modugno, DS Wiersma, C Fort, M Inguscio
Physical review letters 95 (7), 070401, 2005
Double species Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interspecies interactions
G Thalhammer, G Barontini, L De Sarlo, J Catani, F Minardi, M Inguscio
Physical review letters 100 (21), 210402, 2008
Observation of an Efimov spectrum in an atomic system
M Zaccanti, B Deissler, C D’Errico, M Fattori, M Jona-Lasinio, S Müller, ...
Nature Physics 5 (8), 586-591, 2009
A one-dimensional liquid of fermions with tunable spin
G Pagano, M Mancini, G Cappellini, P Lombardi, F Schäfer, H Hu, XJ Liu, ...
Nature Physics 10 (3), 198-201, 2014
Collapse of a degenerate Fermi gas
G Modugno, G Roati, F Riboli, F Ferlaino, RJ Brecha, M Inguscio
Science 297 (5590), 2240-2243, 2002
Superfluid and dissipative dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a periodic optical potential
S Burger, FS Cataliotti, C Fort, F Minardi, M Inguscio, ML Chiofalo, ...
Physical Review Letters 86 (20), 4447, 2001
Observation of Dynamical Instability for a Bose-Einstein Condensate<? format?> in a Moving 1D Optical Lattice
L Fallani, L De Sarlo, JE Lye, M Modugno, R Saers, C Fort, M Inguscio
Physical review letters 93 (14), 140406, 2004
Quantum dynamics of impurities in a one-dimensional Bose gas
J Catani, G Lamporesi, D Naik, M Gring, M Inguscio, F Minardi, A Kantian, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023623, 2012
Effect of Optical Disorder and Single Defects on the Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate<? format?> in a One-Dimensional Waveguide
C Fort, L Fallani, V Guarrera, JE Lye, M Modugno, DS Wiersma, ...
Physical review letters 95 (17), 170410, 2005
Bose-Einstein Condensate with Tunable Interactions
G Roati, M Zaccanti, C d’Errico, J Catani, M Modugno, A Simoni, ...
Physical review letters 99 (1), 010403, 2007
Delocalization of a disordered bosonic system by repulsive interactions
B Deissler, M Zaccanti, G Roati, C D’Errico, M Fattori, M Modugno, ...
Nature physics 6 (5), 354-358, 2010
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Articles 1–20