Describing records in context in the continuum: the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema S McKemmish, G Acland, N Ward, B Reed Archivaria, 3-37, 1999 | 166 | 1999 |
Building educational metadata application profiles N Friesen, N Ward, J Mason Proceedings of the International conference on Dublin core and metadata for …, 2002 | 70 | 2002 |
Extreme participation-moving extreme programming towards participatory design M Rittenbruch, G McEwan, N Ward, T Mansfield, D Bartenstein Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2002), 29-41, 2002 | 49 | 2002 |
A refinement calculus for nondeterministic expressions NTE Ward | 47 | 1994 |
Adding specification constructors to the refinement calculus N Ward International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, 652-670, 1993 | 43 | 1993 |
Applications of angelic nondeterminism N Ward, I Hayes Australian Software Engineering Conference 1991: Engineering Safe Software …, 1991 | 19 | 1991 |
A policy checklist for enabling persistence of identifiers N Nicholas, N Ward, K Blinco D-Lib Magazine 15 (1/2), 1082-9873, 2009 | 13 | 2009 |
Taming the metadata beast: ILOX D Massart, E Shulman, N Nicholas, N Ward, F Bergeron D-lib Magazine 16 (11), 1, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Z39. 50 Made Simple S Finnigan, N Ward Distributed Systems Technology Centre, University of Queensland, 1997 | 10 | 1997 |
The open information locator project R Iannella, N Ward, A Wood, H Sue, P Bruza Technical report, Resource Discovery Unit, Resource Data Network …, 1995 | 9 | 1995 |
Digital libraries and the open information locator project R Iannella, N Ward, A Wood, P Bruza DSTC Tech Report 34, URL: www. dstc. edu. au/RDU, 1996 | 8 | 1996 |
IMS GLC Learning Object Discovery & Exchange (LODE) D Massart, N Nicholas, N Ward Version, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Creating a metadata application profile: a case study of the learning federation experience N Ward Proceedings of the EDUCAUSE in Australasia 2003 Conference, 6-9, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Discussion paper: Networked information retrieval standards N Ward, A Wood, S Finnigan, R Iannella DSTC. Resource Discovery Unit. Available at: http://archive. dstc. edu. au …, 1996 | 6 | 1996 |
The Learning Federation Metadata Application Profile J Mason, N Ward Learning Technology, Online Newsletter of the IEEE Learning Technology Task …, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
ZORBA: Information retrieval using distributed object technologies N Ward, M Lawley, S Finnigan Proceedings of the EOGEO’98, 1998 | 5 | 1998 |
Abstract modelling of digital identifiers N Nicholas, N Ward, K Blinco Ariadne, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Benefits of machine readable curricula N Ward, N Nicholas Retrieved, June 28, 2015, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
OzTrack: Data Management and Analytics Tools for Australian Animal Tracking P Newman, N Ward, H Campbell, M Watts, C Franklin, JT Hunter 5th eResearch Australasia Conference Presentations, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Service-Oriented Models for Educational Resource Federations DR Rehak, N Nicholas, N Ward D-Lib Magazine 15 (11/12), 1082-9873, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |