Toshiyuki Nakagaki
Toshiyuki Nakagaki
Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
確認したメール アドレス: es.hokudai.ac.jp
Maze-solving by an amoeboid organism
T Nakagaki, H Yamada, Á Tóth
Nature 407 (6803), 470-470, 2000
Rules for biologically inspired adaptive network design
A Tero, S Takagi, T Saigusa, K Ito, DP Bebber, MD Fricker, K Yumiki, ...
Science 327 (5964), 439-442, 2010
A mathematical model for adaptive transport network in path finding by true slime mold
A Tero, R Kobayashi, T Nakagaki
Journal of theoretical biology 244 (4), 553-564, 2007
Amoebae anticipate periodic events
T Saigusa, A Tero, T Nakagaki, Y Kuramoto
Physical review letters 100 (1), 018101, 2008
Path finding by tube morphogenesis in an amoeboid organism
T Nakagaki, H Yamada, A Toth
Biophysical chemistry 92 (1-2), 47-52, 2001
Obtaining multiple separate food sources: behavioural intelligence in the Physarum plasmodium
T Nakagaki, R Kobayashi, Y Nishiura, T Ueda
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Physarum solver: A biologically inspired method of road-network navigation
A Tero, R Kobayashi, T Nakagaki
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 363 (1), 115-119, 2006
Smart behavior of true slime mold in a labyrinth
T Nakagaki
Research in Microbiology 152 (9), 767-770, 2001
Minimum-risk path finding by an adaptive amoebal network
T Nakagaki, M Iima, T Ueda, Y Nishiura, T Saigusa, A Tero, R Kobayashi, ...
Physical review letters 99 (6), 068104, 2007
Smart network solutions in an amoeboid organism
T Nakagaki, H Yamada, M Hara
Biophysical chemistry 107 (1), 1-5, 2004
Interaction between cell shape and contraction pattern in the Physarum plasmodium
T Nakagaki, H Yamada, T Ueda
Biophysical chemistry 84 (3), 195-204, 2000
Spatiotemporal Symmetry in Rings of Coupled Biological Oscillators of Physarum Plasmodial Slime Mold
A Takamatsu, R Tanaka, H Yamada, T Nakagaki, T Fujii, I Endo
Physical Review Letters 87 (7), 078102, 2001
Collective movement of epithelial cells on a collagen gel substrate
H Haga, C Irahara, R Kobayashi, T Nakagaki, K Kawabata
Biophysical journal 88 (3), 2250-2256, 2005
Flow-network adaptation in Physarum amoebae
A Tero, K Yumiki, R Kobayashi, T Saigusa, T Nakagaki
Theory in biosciences 127, 89-94, 2008
Analysis of fungal networks
L Heaton, B Obara, V Grau, N Jones, T Nakagaki, L Boddy, MD Fricker
Fungal Biology Reviews 26 (1), 12-29, 2012
Mathematical model for rhythmic protoplasmic movement in the true slime mold
R Kobayashi, A Tero, T Nakagaki
Journal of Mathematical Biology 53, 273-286, 2006
Mechanics of peristaltic locomotion and role of anchoring
Y Tanaka, K Ito, T Nakagaki, R Kobayashi
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (67), 222-233, 2012
Fully decentralized control of a soft-bodied robot inspired by true slime mold
T Umedachi, K Takeda, T Nakagaki, R Kobayashi, A Ishiguro
Biological cybernetics 102, 261-269, 2010
Traffic optimization in railroad networks using an algorithm mimicking an amoeba-like organism, Physarum plasmodium
S Watanabe, A Tero, A Takamatsu, T Nakagaki
Biosystems 105 (3), 225-232, 2011
Intelligent behaviors of amoeboid movement based on complex dynamics of soft matter
T Nakagaki, RD Guy
Soft matter 4 (1), 57-67, 2008
論文 1–20