Francisco Costela
Francisco Costela
Schepens Eye Research Institute - Harvard Medical School
確認したメール アドレス: meei.harvard.edu
Task difficulty in mental arithmetic affects microsaccadic rates and magnitudes
E Siegenthaler, FM Costela, MB McCamy, LL Di Stasi, J Otero‐Millan, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 39 (2), 287-294, 2014
Microsaccades restore the visibility of minute foveal targets
FM Costela, MB McCamy, SL Macknik, J Otero-Millan, S Martinez-Conde
PeerJ 1, e119, 2013
Fixational eye movement correction of blink-induced gaze position errors
FM Costela, J Otero-Millan, MB McCamy, SL Macknik, XG Troncoso, ...
PloS one 9 (10), e110889, 2014
V1 neurons respond differently to object motion versus motion from eye movements
XG Troncoso, MB McCamy, AN Jazi, J Cui, J Otero-Millan, SL Macknik, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8114, 2015
Risk prediction model using eye movements during simulated driving with logistic regressions and neural networks
FM Costela, JJ Castro-Torres
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 74, 511-521, 2020
The preferred retinal locus used to watch videos
FM Costela, S Kajtezovic, RL Woods
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 58 (14), 6073-6081, 2017
Changes in visibility as a function of spatial frequency and microsaccade occurrence
FM Costela, MB McCamy, M Coffelt, J Otero‐Millan, SL Macknik, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 45 (3), 433-439, 2017
Dynamic gaze-position prediction of saccadic eye movements using a Taylor series
S Wang, RL Woods, FM Costela, G Luo
Journal of vision 17 (14), 3-3, 2017
Validation of a vision-related activity scale for patients with retinitis pigmentosa
FM Costela, K Pesudovs, MA Sandberg, C Weigel-DiFranco, RL Woods
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18, 1-11, 2020
When watching video, many saccades are curved and deviate from a velocity profile model
FM Costela, RL Woods
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 960, 2019
Saccade landing point prediction based on fine-grained learning method
A Morales, FM Costela, RL Woods
IEEE Access 9, 52474-52484, 2021
A free database of eye movements watching “Hollywood” videoclips
FM Costela, RL Woods
Data in brief 25, 103991, 2019
Saccade landing point prediction: A novel approach based on recurrent neural networks
A Morales, FM Costela, R Tolosana, RL Woods
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning …, 2018
Orientation of the preferred retinal locus (PRL) is maintained following changes in simulated scotoma size
FM Costela, SM Reeves, RL Woods
Journal of Vision 20 (7), 25-25, 2020
Narrative video scene description task discriminates between levels of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease.
S Reeves, V Williams, FM Costela, R Palumbo, O Umoren, ...
Neuropsychology 34 (4), 437, 2020
People with central vision loss have difficulty watching videos
FM Costela, DR Saunders, DJ Rose, S Katjezovic, SM Reeves, RL Woods
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 (1), 358-364, 2019
Characteristics of spontaneous square-wave jerks in the healthy macaque monkey during visual fixation
FM Costela, J Otero-Millan, MB McCamy, SL Macknik, LL Di Stasi, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0126485, 2015
Refractive Error of Students (15-to 18-year-olds) in Northwest Mexico
E Teran, R Ramírez-Jaime, C Martínez-Gaytán, E Romo-García, ...
Optometry and Vision Science 98 (10), 1127-1131, 2021
Microsaccades reflect the dynamics of misdirected attention in magic
AS Barnhart, FM Costela, S Martinez-Conde, SL Macknik, SD Goldinger
Journal of Eye Movement Research 12 (6), 2019
Measuring the difficulty watching video with hemianopia and an initial test of a rehabilitation approach
FM Costela, DR Saunders, S Kajtezovic, DJ Rose, RL Woods
Translational Vision Science & Technology 7 (4), 13-13, 2018
論文 1–20