Jean-Baptiste Morée
Jean-Baptiste Morée
First-Principles Materials Science Research Team, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science
確認したメール アドレス: riken.jp
Ab initio low-energy effective Hamiltonians for the high-temperature superconducting cuprates and
JB Morée, M Hirayama, MT Schmid, Y Yamaji, M Imada
Physical Review B 106 (23), 235150, 2022
Superconductivity Studied by Solving Ab Initio Low-Energy Effective Hamiltonians for Carrier Doped CaCuO, BiSrCuO, BiSrCaCuO, and HgBaCuO
MT Schmid, JB Morée, R Kaneko, Y Yamaji, M Imada
Physical Review X 13 (4), 041036, 2023
First-principles calculation of Coulomb interaction parameters for lanthanides: Role of self-consistence and screening processes
JB Morée, B Amadon
Physical Review B 98 (20), 205101, 2018
Ab initio derivation of low-energy Hamiltonians for systems with strong spin-orbit interaction: Application to
M Charlebois, JB Morée, K Nakamura, Y Nomura, T Tadano, Y Yoshimoto, ...
Physical review B 104 (7), 075153, 2021
First-principles calculation of the Coulomb interaction parameters and for actinide dioxides
JB Morée, R Outerovitch, B Amadon
Physical Review B 103 (4), 045113, 2021
Dome structure in pressure dependence of superconducting transition temperature for : Studies by ab initio low-energy effective Hamiltonian
JB Morée, Y Yamaji, M Imada
Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023163, 2024
Universal chemical formula dependence of ab initio low-energy effective Hamiltonian in single-layer carrier-doped cuprate superconductors: Study using a …
JB Morée, R Arita
Physical Review B 110 (1), 014502, 2024
Sensitivity of electronic structure to crystal distortions in infinite-layered
S Rathnayaka, S Yano, JB Morée, K Kawashima, J Akimitsu, CM Brown, ...
Physical Review B 111 (1), 014518, 2025
Single-band versus two-band description of magnetism in infinite-layer nickelates
T Plienbumrung, M Daghofer, JB Morée, AM Oleś
Condensed Matter 8 (4), 107, 2023
First-principles downfolding of effective Hamiltonians for strongly correlated electron systems within the constrained GW framework-Importance of the correction of the one …
JB Morée, Y Yamaji, S Biermann, M Imada
日本物理学会講演概要集 75.1, 1924-1924, 2020
Calcul ab initio de l'interaction effective entre électrons f pour les lanthanides et les oxydes d'actinides
JB Morée
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2018
Ab initio calculation of effective interaction between f electrons for lanthanides and actinide oxides
JB Moree
Universite de, 2018
論文 1–12