Thomas Papathomas
Thomas Papathomas
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University
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Cited by
J Millman, A Grabel
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1987
The Bayesian image retrieval system, PicHunter: theory, implementation, and psychophysical experiments
IJ Cox, ML Miller, TP Minka, TV Papathomas, PN Yianilos
IEEE transactions on image processing 9 (1), 20-37, 2000
When the brain changes its mind: Interocular grouping during binocular rivalry
I Kovács, TV Papathomas, M Yang, Á Fehér
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (26), 15508-15511, 1996
Reduced depth inversion illusions in schizophrenia are state-specific and occur for multiple object types and viewing conditions.
BP Keane, SM Silverstein, Y Wang, TV Papathomas
Journal of abnormal psychology 122 (2), 506, 2013
Implicit attentional selection of bound visual features
D Melcher, TV Papathomas, Z Vidnyánszky
Neuron 46 (5), 723-729, 2005
Two carriers for motion perception: Color and luminance
TV Papathomas, A Gorea, B Julesz
Vision Research 31 (11), 1883-1892, 1991
Motion processing by chromatic and achromatic visual pathways
A Gorea, TV Papathomas
JOSA A 6 (4), 590-602, 1989
Applications of computer graphics to the visualization of meteorological data
TV Papathomas, JA Schiavone, B Julesz
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1988
Effects of short-term inpatient treatment on sensitivity to a size contrast illusion in first-episode psychosis and multiple-episode schizophrenia
SM Silverstein, BP Keane, Y Wang, D Mikkilineni, D Paterno, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 2013
Experiments on the role of painted cues in Hughes's reverspectives
TV Papathomas
Perception 31 (5), 521-530, 2002
Experiments with a hollow mask and a reverspective: Top-down influences in the inversion effect for 3-D stimuli
TV Papathomas, LM Bono
Perception 33 (9), 1129-1138, 2004
Rectifier control system for a DC power plant system
TV Papathomas
US Patent 4,451,773, 1984
QCD corrections to the decay B→ψX
PH Cox, S Hovater, ST Jones, L Clavelli
Physical Review D 32 (5), 1157, 1985
Compression guidelines for diagnostic telepathology
DJ Foran, PP Meer, T Papathomas, I Marsic
IEEE Transactions on information technology in biomedicine 1 (1), 55-60, 1997
Hidden annotation in content based image retrieval
IJ Cox, TV Papathomas, J Ghosn, PN Yianilos, ML Miller
1997 Proceedings IEEE Workshop on Content-Based Access of Image and Video …, 1997
Psychophysical studies of the performance of an image database retrieval system
TV Papathomas, TE Conway, IJ Cox, J Ghosn, ML Miller, TP Minka, ...
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III 3299, 591-602, 1998
Art pieces that'move'in our minds—an explanation of illusory motion based on depth reversal.
TV Papathomas
Spatial Vision 21, 2007
Audiovisual short-term influences and aftereffects in motion: Examination across three sets of directional pairings
A Jain, SL Sally, TV Papathomas
Journal of Vision 8 (15), 7, 2008
A human vision based computational model for chromatic texture segregation
TV Papathomas, RS Kashi, A Gorea
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 27 …, 1997
Object-based cross-feature attentional modulation from color to motion
W Sohn, TV Papathomas, E Blaser, Z Vidnyánszky
Vision research 44 (12), 1437-1443, 2004
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Articles 1–20