Keisuke Kawakami
Keisuke Kawakami
Biostructural Mechanism Laboratory, RIKEN SPring-8 Center
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Crystal structure of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 Å
Y Umena, K Kawakami, JR Shen, N Kamiya
Nature 473 (7345), 55-60, 2011
Location of chloride and its possible functions in oxygen-evolving photosystem II revealed by X-ray crystallography
K Kawakami, Y Umena, N Kamiya, JR Shen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (21), 8567-8572, 2009
S1-State Model of the O2-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II
S Luber, I Rivalta, Y Umena, K Kawakami, JR Shen, N Kamiya, ...
Biochemistry 50 (29), 6308-6311, 2011
Structure of the catalytic, inorganic core of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at 1.9 Å resolution
K Kawakami, Y Umena, N Kamiya, JR Shen
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 104 (1-2), 9-18, 2011
Theoretical illumination of water-inserted structures of the CaMn 4 O 5 cluster in the S 2 and S 3 states of oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II: full geometry …
H Isobe, M Shoji, S Yamanaka, Y Umena, K Kawakami, N Kamiya, ...
Dalton transactions 41 (44), 13727-13740, 2012
Structure of Sr-substituted photosystem II at 2.1 Å resolution and its implications in the mechanism of water oxidation
FHM Koua, Y Umena, K Kawakami, JR Shen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (10), 3889-3894, 2013
Structural–functional role of chloride in photosystem II
I Rivalta, M Amin, S Luber, S Vassiliev, R Pokhrel, Y Umena, K Kawakami, ...
Biochemistry 50 (29), 6312-6315, 2011
Photosystem II does not possess a simple excitation energy funnel: time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy meets theory
Y Shibata, S Nishi, K Kawakami, JR Shen, T Renger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (18), 6903-6914, 2013
Novel features of eukaryotic photosystem II revealed by its crystal structure analysis from a red alga
H Ago, H Adachi, Y Umena, T Tashiro, K Kawakami, N Kamiya, L Tian, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (11), 5676-5687, 2016
Possible mechanisms for the O–O bond formation in oxygen evolution reaction at the CaMn4O5 (H2O) 4 cluster of PSII refined to 1.9 Å X-ray resolution
S Yamanaka, H Isobe, K Kanda, T Saito, Y Umena, K Kawakami, JR Shen, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 511 (1-3), 138-145, 2011
Distribution of the cationic state over the chlorophyll pair of the photosystem II reaction center
K Saito, T Ishida, M Sugiura, K Kawakami, Y Umena, N Kamiya, JR Shen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (36), 14379-14388, 2011
Photosynthetic oxygen evolution in mesoporous silica material: adsorption of photosystem II reaction center complex into 23 nm nanopores in SBA
T Noji, C Kamidaki, K Kawakami, JR Shen, T Kajino, Y Fukushima, ...
Langmuir 27 (2), 705-713, 2011
Possible mechanisms of water splitting reaction based on proton and electron release pathways revealed for CaMn4O5 cluster of PSII refined to 1.9 Å X‐ray …
T Saito, S Yamanaka, K Kanda, H Isobe, Y Takano, Y Shigeta, Y Umena, ...
International journal of quantum chemistry 112 (1), 253-276, 2012
Location of PsbY in oxygen-evolving photosystem II revealed by mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography
K Kawakami, M Iwai, M Ikeuchi, N Kamiya, JR Shen
FEBS letters 581 (25), 4983-4987, 2007
Labile electronic and spin states of the CaMn4O5 cluster in the PSII system refined to the 1.9 Å X-ray resolution. UB3LYP computational results
K Kanda, S Yamanaka, T Saito, Y Umena, K Kawakami, JR Shen, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 506 (1-3), 98-103, 2011
Full geometry optimizations of the mixed‐valence CaMn4O4X(H2O)4 (X=OH or O) cluster in OEC of PS II: Degree of symmetry breaking of the labile Mn‐X‐Mn …
K Yamaguchi, H Isobe, S Yamanaka, T Saito, K Kanda, M Shoji, Y Umena, ...
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (4), 525-541, 2013
Structure of the far-red light utilizing photosystem I of Acaryochloris marina
T Hamaguchi, K Kawakami, K Shinzawa-Itoh, N Inoue-Kashino, S Itoh, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 2333, 2021
The nature of chemical bonds of the CaMn4O5 cluster in oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II: Jahn‐Teller distortion and its suppression by Ca doping in …
K Yamaguchi, S Yamanaka, H Isobe, T Saito, K Kanda, Y Umena, ...
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (4), 453-473, 2013
Generalized approximate spin projection calculations of effective exchange integrals of the CaMn 4 O 5 cluster in the S 1 and S 3 states of the oxygen evolving complex of …
H Isobe, M Shoji, S Yamanaka, H Mino, Y Umena, K Kawakami, N Kamiya, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 11911-11923, 2014
Roles of PsbI and PsbM in photosystem II dimer formation and stability studied by deletion mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography
K Kawakami, Y Umena, M Iwai, Y Kawabata, M Ikeuchi, N Kamiya, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1807 (3), 319-325, 2011
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Articles 1–20