Ivo Wenzler
Ivo Wenzler
Accenture and Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
The research and evaluation of serious games: Toward a comprehensive methodology
I Mayer, G Bekebrede, C Harteveld, H Warmelink, Q Zhou, T Van Ruijven, ...
British journal of educational technology 45 (3), 502-527, 2014
Learning through games? Evaluating the learning effect of a policy exercise on European climate policy
C Haug, D Huitema, I Wenzler
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (6), 968-981, 2011
Why do we bother with games and simulations: An organizational learning perspective
I Wenzler, D Chartier
Simulation & gaming 30 (3), 375-384, 1999
Towards intelligently-sustainable cities?
L Salvati, VG Morelli, M Weijnen, E van Bueren, I Wenzler, M De Reuver
TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 6 (1), 73-86, 2013
Development of an asset management strategy for a network utility company: Lessons from a dynamic business simulation approach
I Wenzler
Simulation & Gaming 36 (1), 75-90, 2005
Game-based entrepreneurship education: Identifying enterprising personality, motivation and intentions amongst engineering students
I Mayer, R Kortmann, I Wenzler, Á Wetters, J Spaans
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 17 (2), 217-244, 2014
The ten commandments for translating simulation results into real-life performance
I Wenzler
Simulation & Gaming 40 (1), 98-109, 2009
Stealth assessment of teams in a digital game environment
I Mayer, D van Dierendonck, T Van Ruijven, I Wenzler
Games and Learning Alliance: Second International Conference, GALA 2013 …, 2014
Towards a joint local energy transition process in urban districts: The go2zero simulation game
G Bekebrede, E Van Bueren, I Wenzler
Sustainability 10 (8), 2602, 2018
Learning efficacy of the ‘hazard recognition’serious game: A quasi-experimental study
I Mayer, A Wolff, I Wenzler
Serious Games Development and Applications: 4th International Conference …, 2013
Supporting sustainability through smart infrastructures: The case for the city of Amsterdam
G Baron, J Brinkman, I Wenzler
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 8 (2-3), 169-177, 2012
Is your simulation game blue or green
I Wenzler
Why do games work, 41-50, 2008
Deregulation of utility industries and roles of simulation
I Wenzler, WJ Kleinlugtenbelt, I Mayer
Simulation & Gaming 36 (1), 30-44, 2005
From games to policy exercises: The portfolio of 12 simulations within one company's transformational change initiative
I Wenzler
34th Annual Conference of the Internation Simulation and Gaming Association …, 2003
Take five-gaming/simulation design process
I Wenzler
ISAGA, Riga, ISAGA, 1996
Policy exercises: A new approach to policy development
I Wenzler
Nijmegen: ITS, 1993
A policy exercise for the Dutch power industry
I Wenzler, R Willems, AM van’t Noordende
Simulation and gaming across disciplines and cultures: ISAGA at a watershed …, 1995
Present or play: the effect of serious gaming on demonstrated behaviour
T van Dijk, T Spil, S van der Burg, I Wenzler, S Dalmolen
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 5 (2), 55-69, 2015
The role of simulation games in transformational change
I Wenzler
Planspiele für die Organisationentwicklung, 63-74, 2008
Translating simulation results into real-life performance improvement: a practioner's view
I Wenzler
Bridging the gap: Transforming knowledge into action through gaming and …, 2004
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Articles 1–20