Alexander C Whittaker
Alexander C Whittaker
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London
確認したメール アドレス: imperial.ac.uk
Bedrock channel adjustment to tectonic forcing: Implications for predicting river incision rates
AC Whittaker, PA Cowie, M Attal, GE Tucker, GP Roberts
Geology 35 (2), 103-106, 2007
How do landscapes record tectonics and climate?
AC Whittaker
Lithosphere 4 (2), 160-164, 2012
Transformation of tectonic and climatic signals from source to sedimentary archive
JJ Armitage, RA Duller, AC Whittaker, PA Allen
Nature Geoscience 4 (4), 231-235, 2011
Decoding temporal and spatial patterns of fault uplift using transient river long profiles
AC Whittaker, M Attal, PA Cowie, GE Tucker, G Roberts
Geomorphology 100 (3-4), 506-526, 2008
Tectonic and climatic controls on knickpoint retreat rates and landscape response times
AC Whittaker, SJ Boulton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F2), 2012
Modeling fluvial incision and transient landscape evolution: Influence of dynamic channel adjustment
M Attal, GE Tucker, AC Whittaker, PA Cowie, GP Roberts
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F3), 2008
Contrasting transient and steady‐state rivers crossing active normal faults: New field observations from the Central Apennines, Italy
AC Whittaker, PA Cowie, M Attal, GE Tucker, GP Roberts
Basin Research 19 (4), 529-556, 2007
The Qs problem: Sediment volumetric balance of proximal foreland basin systems
PA Allen, JJ Armitage, A Carter, RA Duller, NA Michael, HD Sinclair, ...
Sedimentology 60 (1), 102-130, 2013
Characterising the origin, nature and fate of sediment exported from catchments perturbed by active tectonics
AC Whittaker, M Attal, PA Allen
Basin Research 22 (6), 809-828, 2010
New constraints on sediment-flux–dependent river incision: Implications for extracting tectonic signals from river profiles
PA Cowie, AC Whittaker, M Attal, G Roberts, GE Tucker, A Ganas
Geology 36 (7), 535-538, 2008
Investigating the surface process response to fault interaction and linkage using a numerical modelling approach
PA Cowie, M Attal, GE Tucker, AC Whittaker, M Naylor, A Ganas, ...
Basin Research 18 (3), 231-266, 2006
Testing fluvial erosion models using the transient response of bedrock rivers to tectonic forcing in the Apennines, Italy
M Attal, PA Cowie, AC Whittaker, D Hobley, GE Tucker, GP Roberts
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F2), 2011
From grain size to tectonics
RA Duller, AC Whittaker, JJ Fedele, AL Whitchurch, J Springett, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F3), 2010
Sediment routing system evolution within a diachronously uplifting orogen: Insights from detrital zircon thermochronological analyses from the South-Central Pyrenees
AL Whitchurch, A Carter, HD Sinclair, RA Duller, AC Whittaker, PA Allen
American Journal of Science 311 (5), 442-482, 2011
Temporal buffering of climate-driven sediment flux cycles by transient catchment response
JJ Armitage, TD Jones, RA Duller, AC Whittaker, PA Allen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 369, 200-210, 2013
Decoding downstream trends in stratigraphic grain size as a function of tectonic subsidence and sediment supply
AC Whittaker, RA Duller, J Springett, RA Smithells, AL Whitchurch, ...
Bulletin 123 (7-8), 1363-1382, 2011
Fluvial archives, a valuable record of vertical crustal deformation
A Demoulin, A Mather, A Whittaker
Quaternary Science Reviews 166, 10-37, 2017
Quantifying the slip rates, spatial distribution and evolution of active normal faults from geomorphic analysis: Field examples from an oblique-extensional graben, southern Turkey
SJ Boulton, AC Whittaker
Geomorphology 104 (3-4), 299-316, 2009
Characterising the spatial distribution, frequency and geomorphic controls on landslide occurrence, Molise, Italy
E Borgomeo, KV Hebditch, AC Whittaker, L Lonergan
Geomorphology 226, 148-161, 2014
Geomorphic significance of postglacial bedrock scarps on normal‐fault footwalls
GE Tucker, SW McCoy, AC Whittaker, GP Roberts, ST Lancaster, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F1), 2011
論文 1–20