Shinya Sugawara
Shinya Sugawara
確認したメール アドレス: rs.tus.ac.jp - ホームページ
Can formal elderly care stimulate female labor supply? The Japanese experience
S Sugawara, J Nakamura
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 34, 98-115, 2014
The role of infrastructure in mitigating poverty dynamics: The case of an irrigation project in Sri Lanka
Y Sawada, M Shoji, S Sugawara, N Shinkai
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 14 (3), 1117-1144, 2014
The decomposed normalized maximum likelihood code-length criterion for selecting hierarchical latent variable models
K Yamanishi, T Wu, S Sugawara, M Okada
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33, 1017-1058, 2019
Decomposed normalized maximum likelihood codelength criterion for selecting hierarchical latent variable models
T Wu, S Sugawara, K Yamanishi
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2017
Gatekeeper incentives and demand inducement: An empirical analysis of care managers in the Japanese long-term care insurance program
S Sugawara, J Nakamura
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 40, 1-16, 2016
Predicting empirical patterns in viewing Japanese TV dramas using case-based decision theory
K Kinjo, S Sugawara
The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 16 (2), 679-709, 2016
Firm‐Driven Management of Longevity Risk: Analysis of Lump‐Sum Forward Payments in Japanese Nursing Homes
S Sugawara
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 26 (1), 169-204, 2017
Duopoly in the Japanese airline market: bayesian estimation for the entry game
S Sugawara, Y Omori
The Japanese Economic Review 63, 310-332, 2012
Long-term care at home and female work during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Sugawara, J Nakamura
Health Policy 125 (7), 859-868, 2021
Pay-for-performance and selective referral in long-term care
T Iizuka, H Noguchi, S Sugawara
Available at SSRN 2971560, 2017
" A fallacy of a decreasing rate of parents-children coresidence: Increase of childless elders and their long-term care in Japan"(in Japanese)
J Nakamura, S Sugawara
CIRJE J-Series, 2014
An econometric analysis of insurance markets with separate identification for moral hazard and selection problems
S Sugawara, Y Omori
Computational Economics 50, 473-502, 2017
The Impact of Group Contract and Governance Structure on Performance—Evidence from College Classrooms
ZK Hansen, H Owan, J Pan, S Sugawara
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 30 (3), 463-492, 2014
What composes desirable formal at-home elder care? An analysis for multiple service combinations
S Sugawara
The Japanese Economic Review 73 (2), 373-402, 2022
A basket two-part model to analyze medical expenditure on interdependent multiple sectors
S Sugawara, T Wu, K Yamanishi
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 27 (5), 1585-1600, 2018
Exploring Practical Treatment Assignment Rules for Place-Based Policies: A Japanese Case Study
S Fujishima, T Hoshino, S Sugawara
Available at SSRN 3729897, 2024
Comparing the German and Japanese nursing home sectors
A Karmann, S Sugawara
An interval regression analysis for tenures of Japanese elder care workers using matched employer-employee data
S Sugawara
CIRJE Discussion Paper F-887, 2013
Does the Design of Welfare Programs Stipulate Nursing Home Utilization? A Comparative Analysis of Long-Term Care Systems in Japan and Germany
D Wende, A Karmann, S Sugawara
Review of Economics 75 (1), 43-61, 2024
A panel vector autoregression analysis for the dynamics of medical and long‐term care expenditures
S Sugawara, T Ishihara, S Kunisawa, E Goto, Y Imanaka
Health Economics 33 (4), 748-763, 2024
論文 1–20