Satyaban B. Ratna
Satyaban B. Ratna
Climate Research and Services, India Meteorological Department, Pune
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Anatomy of Indian heatwaves
JV Ratnam, SK Behera, SB Ratna, M Rajeevan, T Yamagata
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-11, 2016
The extreme positive Indian Ocean dipole of 2019 and associated Indian summer monsoon rainfall response
SB Ratna, A Cherchi, TJ Osborn, M Joshi, U Uppara
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2), e2020GL091497, 2021
Performance assessment of three convective parameterization schemes in WRF for downscaling summer rainfall over South Africa
SB Ratna, JV Ratnam, SK Behera, CJW Rautenbach, T Ndarana, ...
Climate dynamics 42, 2931-2953, 2014
An index for tropical temperate troughs over southern Africa
SB Ratna, S Behera, JV Ratnam, K Takahashi, T Yamagata
Climate dynamics 41, 421-441, 2013
Mesoscale characteristics and prediction of an unusual extreme heavy precipitation event over India using a high resolution mesoscale model
VBR Dodla, SB Ratna
Atmospheric Research 95 (2-3), 255-269, 2010
Moisture variability over the Indo-Pacific region and its influence on the Indian summer monsoon rainfall
SB Ratna, A Cherchi, PV Joseph, SK Behera, B Abish, S Masina
Climate Dynamics, 2015
Summer monsoon rainfall variability over Maharashtra, India
SB Ratna
Pure and Applied Geophysics 169, 259-273, 2012
Indian Ocean Dipole influence on Indian summer monsoon and ENSO: A review
A Cherchi, P Terray, SB Ratna, S Sankar, KP Sooraj, S Behera
Indian summer monsoon variability, 157-182, 2021
Dynamical downscaling of austral summer climate forecasts over southern Africa using a regional coupled model
JV Ratnam, SK Behera, SB Ratna, CJW Rautenbach, C Lennard, JJ Luo, ...
Journal of climate 26 (16), 6015-6032, 2013
Dynamical simulation of Indian summer monsoon circulation, rainfall and its interannual variability using a high resolution atmospheric general circulation model
SB Ratna, DR Sikka, M Dalvi, J Venkata Ratnam
International Journal of Climatology 31 (13), 1927-1942, 2011
ENSO and the recent warming of the Indian Ocean
B Abish, A Cherchi, SB Ratna
International Journal of Climatology 38 (1), 203-214, 2018
Validation of the WRF regional climate model over the subregions of Southeast Asia: climatology and interannual variability
SB Ratna, JV Ratnam, SK Behera, FT Tangang, T Yamagata
Climate Research 71 (3), 263-280, 2017
Sensitivity of Indian summer monsoon simulation to physical parameterization schemes in the WRF model
JV Ratnam, SK Behera, R Krishnan, T Doi, SB Ratna
Climate Research 74 (1), 43-66, 2017
Improvements to the WRF seasonal hindcasts over South Africa by bias correcting the driving SINTEX-F2v CGCM fields
JV Ratnam, SK Behera, T Doi, SB Ratna, WA Landman
Journal of Climate 29 (8), 2815-2829, 2016
ENSO’s far reaching connection to Indian cold waves
JV Ratnam, SK Behera, H Annamalai, SB Ratna, M Rajeevan, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37657, 2016
Identifying teleconnections and multidecadal variability of East Asian surface temperature during the last millennium in CMIP5 simulations
SB Ratna, TJ Osborn, M Joshi, B Yang, J Wang
Climate of the Past 15 (5), 1825-1844, 2019
The influence of Atlantic variability on Asian summer climate is sensitive to the pattern of the sea surface temperature anomaly
SB Ratna, TJ Osborn, M Joshi, J Luterbacher
Journal of Climate 33 (17), 7567-7590, 2020
An assessment of cumulus parameterization schemes in the short range prediction of rainfall during the onset phase of the Indian Southwest Monsoon using MM5 Model
VBR Dodla, SB Ratna, S Desamsetti
Atmospheric research 120, 249-267, 2013
Climate change projections for sustainable and healthy cities
C Goodess, S Berk, SB Ratna, O Brousse, M Davies, C Heaviside, ...
Buildings & cities 2, 812, 2021
Influence of land use land cover on cyclone track prediction–a study during Aila cyclone
K VS Badarinath, D V Mahalakshmi, S Bishoyi Ratna
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 6 (1), 2012
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Articles 1–20