Methodological considerations for studies in sport and exercise science with women as participants: a working guide for standards of practice for research on women KJ Elliott-Sale, CL Minahan, XAKJ de Jonge, KE Ackerman, S Sipilä, ... Sports Medicine 51 (5), 843-861, 2021 | 526 | 2021 |
Aging, muscle fiber type, and contractile function in sprint-trained athletes MT Korhonen, A Cristea, M Alén, K Hakkinen, S Sipila, A Mero, ... Journal of Applied Physiology 101 (3), 906-917, 2006 | 425 | 2006 |
Effects of strength and endurance training on isometric muscle strength and walking speed in elderly women S Sipilä, J Multanen, M Kallinen, P Era, H Suominen Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 156 (4), 457-464, 1996 | 372 | 1996 |
Effects of strength and endurance training on thigh and leg muscle mass and composition in elderly women S Sipila, H Suominen Journal of applied physiology 78 (1), 334-340, 1995 | 361 | 1995 |
Age-related differences in Achilles tendon properties and triceps surae muscle architecture in vivo L Stenroth, J Peltonen, NJ Cronin, S Sipilä, T Finni Journal of applied physiology 113 (10), 1537-1544, 2012 | 354 | 2012 |
Coimpairments as predictors of severe walking disability in older women T Rantanen, JM Guralnik, L Ferrucci, BWJH Penninx, S Leveille, S Sipilä, ... Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49 (1), 21-27, 2001 | 308 | 2001 |
Effects of hormone replacement therapy and high-impact physical exercise on skeletal muscle in post-menopausal women: a randomized placebo-controlled study S SIPILÄ, DR TAAFFE, S CHENG, J PUOLAKKA, J TOIVANEN, ... Clinical science 101 (2), 147-157, 2001 | 301 | 2001 |
Effects of power training on muscle structure and neuromuscular performance H Kyröläinen, J Avela, JM McBride, S Koskinen, JL Andersen, S Sipilä, ... Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 15 (1), 58-64, 2005 | 289 | 2005 |
Changes in postural balance in frail elderly women during a 4-week visual feedback training: a randomized controlled trial SE Sihvonen, S Sipilä, PA Era Gerontology 50 (2), 87-95, 2004 | 286 | 2004 |
Effects of aquatic resistance training on neuromuscular performance in healthy women T Pöyhönen, S Sipilä, KL Keskinen, A Hautala, J Savolainen, E Mälkiä Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 34 (12), 2103-2109, 2002 | 277 | 2002 |
Long-term leisure-time physical activity and serum metabolome UM Kujala, VP Mäkinen, I Heinonen, P Soininen, AJ Kangas, ... Circulation 127 (3), 340-348, 2013 | 257 | 2013 |
Physical function and properties of quadriceps femoris muscle in men with knee osteoarthritis T Liikavainio, T Lyytinen, E Tyrväinen, S Sipilä, JP Arokoski Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 89 (11), 2185-2194, 2008 | 238 | 2008 |
Muscle ultrasonography and computed tomography in elderly trained and untrained women S Sipilä, H Suominen Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 1993 | 227 | 1993 |
Muscle size, neuromuscular activation, and rapid force characteristics in elderly men and women: effects of unilateral long-term disuse due to hip-osteoarthritis C Suetta, P Aagaard, SP Magnusson, LL Andersen, S Sipila, A Rosted, ... Journal of applied physiology 102 (3), 942-948, 2007 | 225 | 2007 |
Heritability of maximal isometric muscle strength in older female twins K Tiainen, S Sipila, M Alen, E Heikkinen, J Kaprio, M Koskenvuo, ... Journal of Applied Physiology 96 (1), 173-180, 2004 | 209 | 2004 |
Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy modifies skeletal muscle composition and function: a study with monozygotic twin pairs PHA Ronkainen, V Kovanen, M Alén, E Pollanen, EM Palonen, ... Journal of applied physiology 107 (1), 25-33, 2009 | 200 | 2009 |
Muscle and bone mass in middle‐aged women: role of menopausal status and physical activity S Sipilä, T Törmäkangas, E Sillanpää, P Aukee, UM Kujala, V Kovanen, ... Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 11 (3), 698-709, 2020 | 195 | 2020 |
Ultrasound imaging of the quadriceps muscle in elderly athletes and untrained men S Sipila, H Suominen Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 1991 | 186 | 1991 |
Individual and environmental factors underlying life space of older people–study protocol and design of a cohort study on life-space mobility in old age (LISPE) T Rantanen, E Portegijs, A Viljanen, J Eronen, M Saajanaho, LT Tsai, ... BMC public health 12, 1-17, 2012 | 183 | 2012 |
Poor vision accompanied with other sensory impairments as a predictor of falls in older women J Kulmala, A Viljanen, S Sipilä, S Pajala, O Pärssinen, M Kauppinen, ... Age and ageing 38 (2), 162-167, 2009 | 179 | 2009 |