Benoit Meister
Cited by
Cited by
Encyclopedia of parallel computing
D Padua
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Runnemede: An architecture for ubiquitous high-performance computing
NP Carter, A Agrawal, S Borkar, R Cledat, H David, D Dunning, J Fryman, ...
2013 IEEE 19th International Symposium on High Performance Computer …, 2013
A mapping path for multi-GPGPU accelerated computers from a portable high level programming abstraction
A Leung, N Vasilache, B Meister, M Baskaran, D Wohlford, C Bastoul, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on General-Purpose Computation on Graphics …, 2010
Efficient and scalable computations with sparse tensors
M Baskaran, B Meister, N Vasilache, R Lethin
2012 IEEE Conference on High Performance Extreme Computing, 1-6, 2012
Precise data locality optimization of nested loops
V Loechner, B Meister, P Clauss
The journal of Supercomputing 21, 37-76, 2002
System, methods and apparatus for program optimization for multi-threaded processor architectures
C Bastoul, RA Lethin, AK Leung, BJ Meister, P Szilagyi, NT Vasilache, ...
US Patent 8,930,926, 2015
The Open Community Runtime: A runtime system for extreme scale computing
TG Mattson, R Cledat, V Cavé, V Sarkar, Z Budimlić, S Chatterjee, ...
High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2016 IEEE, 1-7, 2016
R-stream compiler
B Meister, N Vasilache, D Wohlford, MM Baskaran, A Leung, R Lethin
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, 1756-1765, 2011
Joint scheduling and layout optimization to enable multi-level vectorization
N Vasilache, B Meister, M Baskaran, R Lethin
IMPACT, Paris, France, 2012
Automatic memory layout transformations to optimize spatial locality in parameterized loop nests
P Clauss, B Meister
ACM SIGARCH computer architecture news 28 (1), 11-19, 2000
A unified Coq framework for verifying C programs with floating-point computations
T Ramananandro, P Mountcastle, B Meister, R Lethin
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and …, 2016
Polyhedral Optimization of TensorFlow Computation Graphs
B Pradelle, B Meister, M Baskaran, J Springer, R Lethin
6th Workshop on Extreme-scale Programming Tools (ESPT-2017) at The …, 2017
Systems and methods for parallelizing and optimizing sparse tensor computations
MM Baskaran, T Henretty, MH Langston, RA Lethin, BJ Meister, ...
US Patent 9,471,377, 2016
Stating and manipulating periodicity in the polytope model: Applications to program analysis and optimization
B Meister
Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg), 2004
Methods and apparatus for joint parallelism and locality optimization in source code compilation
RA Lethin, AK Leung, BJ Meister, NT Vasilache
US Patent 8,572,590, 2013
Low-overhead load-balanced scheduling for sparse tensor computations
M Baskaran, B Meister, R Lethin
2014 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2014
Productivity via automatic code generation for pgas platforms with the r-stream compiler
B Meister, A Leung, N Vasilache, D Wohlford, C Bastoul, R Lethin
Workshop on Asynchrony in the PGAS Programming Model 23, 2009
Efficient and scalable computations with sparse tensors
MM Baskaran, RA Lethin, BJ Meister, NT Vasilache
US Patent 10,936,569, 2021
R-stream: A parametric high level compiler
E Schweitz, R Lethin, A Leung, B Meister
Proceedings of HPEC, 2006
Systems and methods for efficient targeting
MM Baskaran, T Henretty, A Johnson, A Konstantinidis, MH Langston, ...
US Patent 10,466,349, 2019
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20