Patricio Vargas
Patricio Vargas
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
確認したメール アドレス: usm.cl - ホームページ
Flat bands in slightly twisted bilayer graphene: Tight-binding calculations
E Suárez Morell, JD Correa, P Vargas, M Pacheco, Z Barticevic
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (12), 121407, 2010
FTIR and Raman Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticles Coated with Polyethylene Glycol as Carrier for 2-Methoxyestradiol
A León, P Reuquen, C Garín, R Segura, P Vargas, P Zapata, PA Orihuela
Applied Sciences 7 (1), 49, 2017
Electronic-structure calculations for amorphous solids using the recursion method and linear muffin-tin orbitals: Application to
HJ Nowak, OK Andersen, T Fujiwara, O Jepsen, P Vargas
Physical Review B 44 (8), 3577, 1991
Scaling approach to the magnetic phase diagram of nanosized systems
JA e Castro, D Altbir, JC Retamal, P Vargas
Physical review letters 88 (23), 237202, 2002
Equilibrium states and vortex domain wall nucleation in ferromagnetic nanotubes
P Landeros, OJ Suarez, A Cuchillo, P Vargas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (2), 024404, 2009
Phase diagrams of magnetic nanotubes
J Escrig, P Landeros, D Altbir, EE Vogel, P Vargas
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 308 (2), 233-237, 2007
Arrays of Ni nanowires in alumina membranes: magnetic properties and spatial ordering
M Vázquez, M Hernández-Vélez, K Pirota, A Asenjo, D Navas, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 40, 489-497, 2004
Magnetic coupling in metallic granular systems
D Altbir, JA e Castro, P Vargas
Physical Review B 54 (10), R6823, 1996
Scaling relations for magnetic nanoparticles
P Landeros, J Escrig, D Altbir, D Laroze, J d’Albuquerque e Castro, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (9), 094435, 2005
Charge redistribution and interlayer coupling in twisted bilayer graphene under electric fields
E Suárez Morell, P Vargas, L Chico, L Brey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195421, 2011
Modelling hysteresis of interacting nanowires arrays
M Vázquez, K Nielsch, P Vargas, J Velázquez, D Navas, K Pirota, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 343 (1-4), 395-402, 2004
Chirality switching and propagation control of a vortex domain wall in ferromagnetic nanotubes
JA Otálora, JA López-López, P Vargas, P Landeros
Applied Physics Letters 100 (7), 2012
Control of magnetism in bilayer CrI3 by an external electric field
ES Morell, A León, RH Miwa, P Vargas
2D Materials 6 (2), 025020, 2019
Fast Monte Carlo method for magnetic nanoparticles
P Vargas, D Altbir, J d'Albuquerque e Castro
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (9), 092417, 2006
Metastable states in the triangular-lattice Ising model studied by Monte Carlo simulations: Application to the spin-chain compound
R Soto, G Martínez, MN Baibich, JM Florez, P Vargas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (18), 184422, 2009
Chaotic dynamics of a magnetic nanoparticle
J Bragard, H Pleiner, OJ Suarez, P Vargas, JAC Gallas, D Laroze
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Asymmetrical giant magnetoimpedance in exchange-biased NiFe
C García, JM Florez, P Vargas, CA Ross
Applied Physics Letters 96 (23), 2010
A detailed analysis of dipolar interactions in arrays of bi-stable magnetic nanowires
D Laroze, J Escrig, P Landeros, D Altbir, M Vázquez, P Vargas
Nanotechnology 18 (41), 415708, 2007
Moiré patterns on STM images of graphite induced by rotations of surface and subsurface layers
M Flores, E Cisternas, JD Correa, P Vargas
Chemical Physics 423, 49-54, 2013
Dipolar magnetic interactions among magnetic microwires
M Knobel, LC Sampaio, E Sinnecker, P Vargas, D Altbir
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 249 (1-2), 60-72, 2002
論文 1–20