Anna Kasunic
Anna Kasunic
確認したメール アドレス: andrew.cmu.edu
Crowd coach: Peer coaching for crowd workers' skill growth
CW Chiang, A Kasunic, S Savage
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-17, 2018
Societal burden of substance abuse
A Kasunic, MAC Lee
International Public Health Journal 6 (3), 269, 2014
" At least the pizzas you make are hot": Norms, values, and abrasive humor on the Subreddit r/RoastMe
A Kasunic, G Kaufman
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 12 (1), 2018
Marijuana legalization: Lessons from the 2012 state proposals
JP Caulkins, MAC Lee, AM Kasunic
World Medical & Health Policy 4 (3-4), 4-34, 2012
Turker tales: Integrating tangential play into crowd work
A Kasunic, CW Chiang, G Kaufman, S Savage
Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 21-34, 2019
Crowd work on a CV? Understanding how AMT fits into Turkers' career goals and professional profiles
A Kasunic, CW Chiang, G Kaufman, S Savage
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.05361, 2019
How much of the cocaine market are we missing? Insights from respondent-driven sampling in a mid-sized American city
JP Caulkins, J Sussell, B Kilmer, A Kasunic
Drug and alcohol dependence 147, 190-195, 2015
Learning to listen: Critically considering the role of AI in human storytelling and character creation
A Kasunic, G Kaufman
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Storytelling, 1-13, 2018
Cultural relevance in MOOCs: Asking about socioeconomic context
A Kasunic, J Hammer, A Ogan
Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 389-392, 2015
Understanding drug legalization
A Kasunic, MAC Lee
International Public Health Journal 6 (3), 283, 2014
A preliminary look at MOOC-associated facebook groups: prevalence, geographic representation, and homophily
A Kasunic, J Hammer, R Kraut, M Massimi, A Ogan
Proceedings of the Third (2016) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 205-208, 2016
Be me or be mii? a study of self-presentation and interaction in the Miitomo mobile application
A Kasunic, G Kaufman
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Estimating the Societal Burden of Substance Abuse: Advantages and Limitations of Current Methodologies
JP Caulkins, A Kasunic, MAC Lee
Substance Abuse in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Critical Conundrum for …, 2013
Using concept mapping to explore and engage parent and youth residents of an economically underserved minority community around children's asthma
M Yonas, A Zuberi, A Kasunic, P Bamwine, S Boddie, S Tharp-Gilliam, ...
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action …, 2017
Research through Evocative Play: Play-based Methods for Drawing out Contextual Complexities and Understanding Power
Healthy Living, Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives: Using CBPR Approaches to Examine How Diverse Contexts Influence Children's Asthma
S Gilliam
142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15-November 19, 2014), 2014
Using Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to Identify Areas of Concern Regarding Neighborhood Children’s Exposures to Air Pollution Using Tree Leaves as Biomonitors
S Gillooly*, S Tripathy, T Rubright, J Clougherty, A Zuberi, A Kasunic, ...
ISEE Conference Abstracts 26 2014 (1), 1893, 2014
The Pros and Cons of Legalization
JP Caulkins, A Kasunic, M Kleiman, MAC Lee
Substance Abuse in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Critical Conundrum for …, 2013
CMU-HCII-19-102 Research through Evocative Play: Play-based Methods for Drawing out Contextual Complexities and Understanding Power
論文 1–19