Martin Jonsson
Martin Jonsson
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Cited by
Somaesthetic appreciation design
K Höök, MP Jonsson, A Ståhl, J Mercurio
Proceedings of the 2016 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Embracing first-person perspectives in soma-based design
K Höök, B Caramiaux, C Erkut, J Forlizzi, N Hajinejad, M Haller, ...
Informatics 5 (1), 8, 2018
Cover story somaesthetic design
K Höök, A Ståhl, M Jonsson, J Mercurio, A Karlsson, ECB Johnson
interactions 22 (4), 26-33, 2015
Towards a new set of ideals: consequences of the practice turn in tangible interaction
Y Fernaeus, J Tholander, M Jonsson
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2008
The soma mat and breathing light
A Ståhl, M Jonsson, J Mercurio, A Karlsson, K Höök, EC Banka Johnson
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Design ideation with AI-sketching, thinking and talking with generative machine learning models
J Tholander, M Jonsson
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM designing interactive systems conference, 1930-1940, 2023
Revisiting the jacquard loom: threads of history and current patterns in HCI
Y Fernaeus, M Jonsson, J Tholander
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012
Beyond representations: towards an action-centric perspective on tangible interaction
Y Fernaeus, J Tholander, M Jonsson
International Journal of Arts and Technology 1 (3-4), 249-267, 2008
The aesthetics of heat: guiding awareness with thermal stimuli
M Jonsson, A Ståhl, J Mercurio, A Karlsson, N Ramani, K Höök
Proceedings of the TEI'16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible …, 2016
Cracking the code: Co-coding with AI in creative programming education
M Jonsson, J Tholander
Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 5-14, 2022
Soma-based design theory
K Höök, C Hummels, K Isbister, P Marti, E Márquez Segura, M Jonsson, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference Extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
A ubiquitous service environment with active documents for teamwork support
P Werle, F Kilander, M Jonsson, P Lönnqvist, CG Jansson
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 139-155, 2001
Move to be Moved
K Höök, M Jonsson, A Ståhl, J Tholander, T Robertson, P Marti, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Sarka: sonification and somaesthetic appreciation design
I Bergström, M Jonsson
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, 1-8, 2016
Supporting embodied exploration of physical concepts in mixed digital and physical interactive settings
Z Ahmet, M Jonsson, SI Sumon, LE Holmquist
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and …, 2010
Precious materials of interaction: exploring interactive accessories as jewellery items
V Tsaknaki, Y Fernaeus, M Jonsson
Nordes, 2015
Context shadow: An infrastructure for context aware computing
M Jonsson, P Werle, CG Jansson
AIMS 2002 Workshop in conjunction with the ECAI2002 Conference, Lyon, France, 2002
SWAY-designing for balance and posture awareness
S Asplund, M Jonsson
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded …, 2018
" It's a Bomb!"-Material Literacy and Narratives of Making.
SL Sydow, J Tholander, M Jonsson
CHI, 121-132, 2017
Producing printability: Articulation work and alignment in 3d printing
KN Dew, S Landwehr-Sydow, DK Rosner, A Thayer, M Jonsson
Human–Computer Interaction 34 (5-6), 433-469, 2019
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Articles 1–20