Song Chong
Song Chong
ICT Endowed Chair Professor, KAIST AI & EE
確認したメール アドレス: kaist.edu - ホームページ
On the levy-walk nature of human mobility
I Rhee, M Shin, S Hong, K Lee, SJ Kim, S Chong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19 (3), 630-643, 2011
Mobility models in opportunistic networks
K Lee, P Hui, S Chong, S Basagni, M Conti, S Giordano, I Stojmenovic
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking, John Wiley & Sons, 360-418, 2013
Mobile data offloading: how much can WiFi deliver?
K Lee, J Lee, Y Yi, I Rhee, S Chong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (2), 536-550, 2013
SLAW: self-similar least-action human walk
K Lee, S Hong, SJ Kim, I Rhee, S Chong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 20 (2), 515-529, 2012
DREAM: Dynamic resource and task allocation for energy minimization in mobile cloud systems
J Kwak, Y Kim, J Lee, S Chong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (12), 2510-2523, 2015
Dynamic association for load balancing and interference avoidance in multi-cell networks
K Son, S Chong, G Veciana
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (7), 3566-3576, 2009
Predictive dynamic bandwidth allocation for efficient transport of real-time VBR video
S Chong, S Li, J Ghosh
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications 13 (1), 12-23, 1995
Economics of WiFi offloading: Trading delay for cellular capacity
J Lee, Y Yi, S Chong, Y Jin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (3), 1540-1554, 2014
REFIM: A practical interference management in heterogeneous wireless access networks
K Son, S Lee, Y Yi, S Chong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (6), 1260-1272, 2011
Low-loss, fair bandwidth allocation flow control in a packet switch
S Chong, M Katz, DA Morano, R Nagarajan, WM Pitio, DD Shugard, ...
US Patent 5,983,278, 1999
CRAWDAD data set ncsu/mobilitymodels (v. 2009-07-23)
I Rhee, M Shin, S Hong, K Lee, S Kim, S Chong
July, 2009
Link capacity allocation and network control by filtered input rate in high-speed networks
SQ Li, S Chong, CL Hwang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 3 (1), 10-25, 1995
Hybrid content caching in 5G wireless networks: Cloud versus edge caching
J Kwak, Y Kim, LB Le, S Chong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), 3030-3045, 2018
Max contribution: an online approximation of optimal resource allocation in delay tolerant networks
K Lee, J Jeong, Y Yi, H Won, I Rhee, S Chong
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (3), 592-605, 2014
Design of a CLOS guidance law via feedback linearization
IJ Ha, S Chong
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 28 (1), 51-63, 1992
Dual-side optimization for cost-delay tradeoff in mobile edge computing
Y Kim, J Kwak, S Chong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (2), 1765-1781, 2017
Virtual Cell Beamforming in Cooperative Networks
JH Kim, HW Lee, S Chong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (6), 1126-1138, 2014
Research challenges towards the Future Internet
M Conti, S Chong, S Fdida, W Jia, H Karl, YD Lin, P Mähönen, M Maier, ...
Computer Communications 34 (18), 2115-2134, 2011
Downlink resource allocation in multi-carrier systems: frequency-selective vs. equal power allocation
HW Lee, S Chong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (10), 3738-3747, 2008
Processor-Network Speed Scaling for Energy–Delay Tradeoff in Smartphone Applications
J Kwak, O Choi, S Chong, P Mohapatra
IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking 24 (3), 1647-1660, 2016
論文 1–20