Ronghui Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Fundamentals of traffic simulation
J Barceló
Springer 145, 439, 2010
Modelling instantaneous traffic emission and the influence of traffic speed limits
LI Panis, S Broekx, R Liu
Science of the total environment 371 (1-3), 270-285, 2006
A platoon based cooperative eco-driving model for mixed automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalised intersection
W Zhao, D Ngoduy, S Shepherd, R Liu, M Papageorgiou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 95, 802-821, 2018
The principles of calibrating traffic microsimulation models
Y Hollander, R Liu
Transportation 35, 347-362, 2008
Spectral ageing in a sample of 14 high-luminosity double radio sources
R Liu, G Pooley, JM Riley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 257 (4), 545-571, 1992
Modelling safety-related driving behaviour—impact of parameter values
P Bonsall, R Liu, W Young
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (5), 425-444, 2005
A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems
R Tang, L De Donato, N Besinović, F Flammini, RMP Goverde, Z Lin, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 140, 103679, 2022
Modelling bus bunching and holding control with vehicle overtaking and distributed passenger boarding behaviour
W Wu, R Liu, W Jin
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 104, 175-197, 2017
Using BDI agents to improve driver modelling in a commuter scenario
RJF Rossetti, RH Bordini, ALC Bazzan, S Bampi, R Liu, D Van Vliet
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 10 (5-6), 373-398, 2002
Estimation of the distribution of travel times by repeated simulation
Y Hollander, R Liu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16 (2), 212-231, 2008
Stochastic bus schedule coordination considering demand assignment and rerouting of passengers
W Wu, R Liu, W Jin, C Ma
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 121, 275-303, 2019
Multiclass first-order simulation model to explain non-linear traffic phenomena
D Ngoduy, R Liu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 385 (2), 667-682, 2007
Modelling urban bus service and passenger reliability.
R Liu, S Sinha
Leeds, 2007
Microsimulation models incorporating both demand and supply dynamics
R Liu, D Van Vliet, D Watling
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 40 (2), 125-150, 2006
A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns
A Fonzone, JD Schmöcker, R Liu
Transportation Research Procedia 7, 276-299, 2015
Quantitative analysis for resilience-based urban rail systems: A hybrid knowledge-based and data-driven approach
J Yin, X Ren, R Liu, T Tang, S Su
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 219, 108183, 2022
A multiphase optimal control method for multi-train control and scheduling on railway lines
H Ye, R Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 377-393, 2016
A review on transit assignment modelling approaches to congested networks: a new perspective
Q Fu, R Liu, S Hess
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 1145-1155, 2012
Designing robust schedule coordination scheme for transit networks with safety control margins
W Wu, R Liu, W Jin
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 495-519, 2016
Congestion behavior and tolls in a bottleneck model with stochastic capacity
LL Xiao, HJ Huang, R Liu
Transportation Science 49 (1), 46-65, 2015
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