Yago Diez
Yago Diez
Associate Professor, Yamagata University
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A qualitative review on 3D coarse registration methods
Y Diez, F Roure, X Lladó, J Salvi
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (3), 1-36, 2015
Deep learning in forestry using uav-acquired rgb data: A practical review
Y Diez, S Kentsch, M Fukuda, MLL Caceres, K Moritake, M Cabezas
Remote Sensing 13 (14), 2837, 2021
Computer vision and deep learning techniques for the analysis of drone-acquired forest images, a transfer learning study
S Kentsch, ML Lopez Caceres, D Serrano, F Roure, Y Diez
Remote Sensing 12 (8), 1287, 2020
A subtraction pipeline for automatic detection of new appearing multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal studies
O Ganiler, A Oliver, Y Diez, J Freixenet, JC Vilanova, B Beltran, ...
Neuroradiology 56, 363-374, 2014
Revisiting intensity-based image registration applied to mammography
Y Díez, A Oliver, X Llado, J Freixenet, J Marti, JC Vilanova, R Marti
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 15 (5), 716-725, 2011
Improved automatic detection of new T2 lesions in multiple sclerosis using deformation fields
M Cabezas, JF Corral, A Oliver, Y Díez, M Tintoré, C Auger, X Montalban, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 37 (10), 1816-1823, 2016
Individual Sick Fir Tree (Abies mariesii) Identification in Insect Infested Forests by Means of UAV Images and Deep Learning
HT Nguyen, ML Lopez Caceres, K Moritake, S Kentsch, H Shu, Y Diez
Remote Sensing 13 (2), 260, 2021
On the comparison of classic and deep keypoint detector and descriptor methods
D Bojanić, K Bartol, T Pribanić, T Petković, YD Donoso, JS Mas
2019 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and …, 2019
Efficient trajectory queries under the Fréchet distance (GIS Cup)
K Buchin, Y Diez, T van Diggelen, W Meulemans
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2017
Hierarchical normal space sampling to speed up point cloud coarse matching
Y Diez, J Martí, J Salvi
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (16), 2127-2133, 2012
Analysis of UAV-acquired wetland orthomosaics using GIS, computer vision, computational topology and deep learning
S Kentsch, M Cabezas, L Tomhave, J Groß, B Burkhard, ...
Sensors 21 (2), 471, 2021
Hanabi is np-hard, even for cheaters who look at their cards
JF Baffier, MK Chiu, Y Diez, M Korman, V Mitsou, A Van Renssen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.01911, 2016
Breast MRI and X-ray mammography registration using gradient values
E García, Y Diez, O Diaz, X Lladó, A Gubern-Mérida, R Martí, J Martí, ...
Medical image analysis 54, 76-87, 2019
A step‐by‐step review on patient‐specific biomechanical finite element models for breast MRI to x‐ray mammography registration
E García, Y Diez, O Diaz, X Lladó, R Martí, J Martí, A Oliver
Medical physics 45 (1), e6-e31, 2018
Intensity based methods for brain MRI longitudinal registration. A study on multiple sclerosis patients
Y Diez, A Oliver, M Cabezas, S Valverde, R Martí, JC Vilanova, ...
Neuroinformatics 12, 365-379, 2014
Detection of invasive species in wetlands: practical DL with heavily imbalanced data
M Cabezas, S Kentsch, L Tomhave, J Gross, MLL Caceres, Y Diez
Remote Sensing 12 (20), 3431, 2020
Automated quality assessment in three-dimensional breast ultrasound images
J Schwaab, Y Diez, A Oliver, R Martí, J Zelst, A Gubern-Mérida, AB Mourri, ...
Journal of Medical Imaging 3 (2), 027002-027002, 2016
Evaluating the effects of white matter multiple sclerosis lesions on the volume estimation of 6 brain tissue segmentation methods
S Valverde, A Oliver, Y Díez, M Cabezas, JC Vilanova, L Ramió-Torrentà, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 36 (6), 1109-1115, 2015
Comparison of registration methods using mamographic images
Y Díez, A Oliver, X Lladó, R Martí
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 4421-4424, 2010
Noisy road network matching
Y Diez, MA Lopez, JA Sellares
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 38-54, 2008
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Articles 1–20