Susumu Minami
Susumu Minami
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto University
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Cited by
Iron-based binary ferromagnets for transverse thermoelectric conversion
A Sakai, S Minami, T Koretsune, T Chen, T Higo, Y Wang, T Nomoto, ...
Nature 581 (7806), 53-57, 2020
Anomalous transport due to Weyl fermions in the chiral antiferromagnets Mn 3 X, X= Sn, Ge
T Chen, T Tomita, S Minami, M Fu, T Koretsune, M Kitatani, I Muhammad, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-14, 2021
Giant magneto-optical responses in magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
Y Okamura, S Minami, Y Kato, Y Fujishiro, Y Kaneko, J Ikeda, J Muramoto, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4619, 2020
Topological Kagome Magnet Co3Sn2S2 Thin Flakes with High Electron Mobility and Large Anomalous Hall Effect
M Tanaka, Y Fujishiro, M Mogi, Y Kaneko, T Yokosawa, N Kanazawa, ...
Nano Letters 20 (10), 7476-7481, 2020
Large anomalous Nernst effect and nodal plane in an iron-based kagome ferromagnet
T Chen, S Minami, A Sakai, Y Wang, Z Feng, T Nomoto, M Hirayama, ...
Science Advances 8 (2), eabk1480, 2022
Spontaneous topological Hall effect induced by non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in intercalated van der Waals materials
H Takagi, R Takagi, S Minami, T Nomoto, K Ohishi, MT Suzuki, Y Yanagi, ...
Nature Physics 19 (7), 961-968, 2023
Enhancement of the transverse thermoelectric conductivity originating from stationary points in nodal lines
S Minami, F Ishii, M Hirayama, T Nomoto, T Koretsune, R Arita
Physical Review B 102 (20), 205128, 2020
First-principles study on thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler compounds CoMSb (M= Sc, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn)
S Minami, F Ishii, YP Mizuta, M Saito
Applied Physics Letters 113 (3), 2018
Large anomalous Hall effect induced by weak ferromagnetism in the noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet
H Tanaka, S Okazaki, K Kuroda, R Noguchi, Y Arai, S Minami, S Ideta, ...
Physical Review B 105 (12), L121102, 2022
First-principles study of anomalous Nernst effect in half-metallic iron dichloride monolayer
R Syariati, S Minami, H Sawahata, F Ishii
APL Materials 8 (4), 2020
First-principles calculation of lattice thermal conductivity and thermoelectric figure of merit in ferromagnetic half-Heusler alloy CoMnSb
A Hori, S Minami, M Saito, F Ishii
Applied Physics Letters 116 (24), 2020
Giant and robust anomalous Nernst effect in a polycrystalline topological ferromagnet at room temperature
Z Feng, S Minami, S Akamatsu, A Sakai, T Chen, D Nishio]Hamane, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (49), 2206519, 2022
Maximizing intrinsic anomalous Hall effect by controlling the Fermi level in simple Weyl semimetal films
M Ohno, S Minami, Y Nakazawa, S Sato, M Kriener, R Arita, M Kawasaki, ...
Physical Review B 105 (20), L201101, 2022
Optical anomalous Hall effect enhanced by flat bands in ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal
YD Kato, Y Okamura, S Minami, R Fujimura, M Mogi, R Yoshimi, ...
npj Quantum Materials 7 (1), 73, 2022
Logarithmic criticality in transverse thermoelectric conductivity of the ferromagnetic topological semimetal CoMnSb
H Nakamura, S Minami, T Tomita, AA Nugroho, S Nakatsuji
Physical Review B 104 (16), L161114, 2021
Group-theoretical analysis of two-dimensional hexagonal materials
S Minami, I Sugita, R Tomita, H Oshima, M Saito
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (10), 105102, 2017
First-principles calculation of anomalous Hall and Nernst conductivity by local Berry phase
H Sawahata, N Yamaguchi, S Minami, F Ishii
Physical Review B 107 (2), 024404, 2023
Electronic strengthening mechanism of covalent Si via excess electron/hole doping
H Noda, S Sakaguchi, R Fujita, S Minami, H Hirakata, T Shimada
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 16546, 2023
Nodal-line resonance generating the giant anomalous Hall effect of
F Schilberth, MC Jiang, S Minami, MA Kassem, F Mayr, T Koretsune, ...
Physical Review B 107 (21), 214441, 2023
Spontaneous Atomic-Scale Polar Skyrmions and Merons on a SrTiO3 (001) Surface: Defect Engineering for Emerging Topological Orders
S Minami, Y Ikeda, T Shimada
Nano Letters 24 (12), 3686-3693, 2024
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Articles 1–20