Takehiro Iwatsuki, PhD.
Takehiro Iwatsuki, PhD.
University of Hawaii at Hilo
確認したメール アドレス: hawaii.edu
Relationships among sports helplessness, depression, and social support in American college student-athletes
G Hagiwara, T Iwatsuki, H Isogai, JL Van Raalte, BW Brewer
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (2), 753, 2017
Autonomy facilitates repeated maximum force productions
T Iwatsuki, R Abdollahipour, R Psotta, R Lewthwaite, G Wulf
Human Movement Science 55, 264-268, 2017
Lassoing skill through learner choice
G Wulf, T Iwatsuki, B Machin, J Kellogg, C Copeland, R Lewthwaite
Journal of Motor Behavior 50 (3), 285-292, 2018
Practice variability promotes an external focus of attention and enhances motor skill learning
LK Chua, MK Dimapilis, T Iwatsuki, R Abdollahipour, R Lewthwaite, ...
Human Movement Science 64, 307-319, 2019
Relationships among student-athletes’ identity, mental health, and social support in Japanese student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic
G Hagiwara, T Tsunokawa, T Iwatsuki, H Shimozono, T Kawazura
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (13), 7032, 2021
Autonomy enhances running efficiency
T Iwatsuki, JW Navalta, G Wulf
Journal of Sports Sciences 37 (6), 685-691, 2019
Effectively optimizing esports performance through movement science principles
T Iwatsuki, G Hagiwara, MKE Dugan
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 17 (1), 202-207, 2022
More bang for the buck: autonomy support increases muscular efficiency
T Iwatsuki, HT Shih, R Abdollahipour, G Wulf
Psychological Research 85, 439-445., 2021
Relations among reinvestment, self-regulation, and perception of choking under pressure
T Iwatsuki, JL Van Raalte, BW Brewer, A Petitpas, M Takahashi
Journal of Human Kinetics 65, 281-290, 2018
Relatively Easy Criteria for Success Enhances Motor Learning by Altering Perceived Competence
T Iwatsuki, CJ Regis
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 0031512520981237, 2021
Relationships among movement reinvestment, decision-making reinvestment, and perceived choking.
T Iwatsuki, P Wright
International Journal of Coaching Science 10 (1), 25-35, 2016
I will use declarative self-talk... Or will i? Replication, extension, and meta-analyses
JL Van Raalte, AE Cornelius, EM Mullin, BW Brewer, ED Van Dyke, ...
The Sport Psychologist 32 (1), 16-25, 2018
Examining social identity components of Japanese student-athletes
G Hagiwara, H Isogai, T Iwatsuki
J. Phys. Educ. Sport 20, 3095-3101, 2020
Easy task and choice: Motivational interventions facilitate motor skill learning in children
SM Mousavi, T Iwatsuki
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 10 (1), 61-75, 2021
Providing choice enhances motor performance under psychological pressure
T Iwatsuki, MP Otten
Journal of motor behavior 53 (5), 656-662, 2021
A development and preliminary validation of the brief version of the Japanese Academic and Athletic Identity Scale
G Hagiwara, K Kurita, S Hachisuka, S Warisawa, T Iwatsuki, F Mizuochi, ...
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 18 (6), 2230-2238, 2023
Motor Skill Learning in Iranian Girls: Effects of a Relatively Long Induction of Gender Stereotypes
SM Mousavi, H Salehi, T Iwatsuki, F Velayati, M Deshayes
Sex Roles 89 (3), 174-185, 2023
Psychological factors related to choking under pressure
T Iwatsuki, JL Van Raalte, BW Brewer, A Petitpas, M Takahashi
ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review 68 (24), 11-12, 2016
External focus of attention enhances arm velocities during volleyball spike in young female players
L Slovák, J Sarvestan, T Iwatsuki, D Zahradník, WM Land, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1041871, 2023
Effects of the intention to hit a disguised backhand drop shot on skilled tennis performance
T Iwatsuki, M Takahashi, JL Van Raalte
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 11 (3), 365-373, 2016
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