Nobuaki Tanaka
Nobuaki Tanaka
The University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of
確認したメール アドレス: uf.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp
The land–atmosphere water flux in the tropics
JB Fisher, Y Malhi, D Bonal, HR Da Rocha, AC De Araujo, M Gamo, ...
Global change biology 15 (11), 2694-2714, 2009
Do coniferous forests evaporate more water than broad-leaved forests in Japan?
H Komatsu, N Tanaka, T Kume
Journal of Hydrology 336 (3-4), 361-375, 2007
Ten-year evapotranspiration estimates in a Bornean tropical rainforest
T Kume, N Tanaka, K Kuraji, H Komatsu, N Yoshifuji, TM Saitoh, M Suzuki, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (9), 1183-1192, 2011
Impact of soil drought on sap flow and water status of evergreen trees in a tropical monsoon forest in northern Thailand
T Kume, H Takizawa, N Yoshifuji, K Tanaka, C Tantasirin, N Tanaka, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 238 (1-3), 220-230, 2007
Soil respiration and soil CO2 concentration in a tropical forest, Thailand
S Hashimoto, N Tanaka, M Suzuki, A Inoue, H Takizawa, I Kosaka, ...
Journal of Forest Research 9, 75-79, 2004
A review of evapotranspiration estimates from tropical forests in Thailand and adjacent regions
N Tanaka, T Kume, N Yoshifuji, K Tanaka, H Takizawa, K Shiraki, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (5), 807-819, 2008
Transpiration peak over a hill evergreen forest in northern Thailand in the late dry season: Assessing the seasonal changes in evapotranspiration using a multilayer model
K Tanaka, H Takizawa, N Tanaka, I Kosaka, N Yoshifuji, C Tantasirin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D17), 2003
The stemflow of trees in a Bornean lowland tropical forest
OJ Manfroi, K Koichiro, T Nobuaki, S Masakazu, M Nakagawa, ...
Hydrological Processes 18 (13), 2455-2474, 2004
Inter-annual variation in growing season length of a tropical seasonal forest in northern Thailand
N Yoshifuji, T Kumagai, K Tanaka, N Tanaka, H Komatsu, M Suzuki, ...
Forest ecology and management 229 (1-3), 333-339, 2006
Effects of length and application rate of rice straw mulch on surface runoff and soil loss under laboratory simulated rainfall
M Parhizkar, M Shabanpour, ME Lucas-Borja, DA Zema, S Li, N Tanaka, ...
International Journal of Sediment Research 36 (4), 468-478, 2021
Throughfall partitioning by trees
DF Levia, K Nanko, H Amasaki, TW Giambelluca, N Hotta, S Iida, ...
Hydrological Processes 33 (12), 1698-1708, 2019
Comparison of soil moisture dynamics between a tropical rain forest and a tropical seasonal forest in Southeast Asia: Impact of seasonal and year‐to‐year variations in rainfall
T Kumagai, N Yoshifuji, N Tanaka, M Suzuki, T Kume
Water Resources Research 45 (4), 2009
Generation of stemflow volume and chemistry in a mature Japanese cypress forest
K Koichiro, T Yuri, T Nobuaki, K Isamu
Hydrological Processes 15 (10), 1967-1978, 2001
Environmental control of canopy stomatal conductance in a tropical deciduous forest in northern Thailand
Y Igarashi, T Kumagai, N Yoshifuji, T Sato, N Tanaka, K Tanaka, M Suzuki, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 202, 1-10, 2015
Seasonality of vertically partitioned soil CO2 production in temperate and tropical forest
S Hashimoto, N Tanaka, T Kume, N Yoshifuji, N Hotta, K Tanaka, ...
Journal of Forest Research 12 (3), 209-221, 2007
Impact of plant functional types on coherence between precipitation and soil moisture: A wavelet analysis
Q Liu, Y Hao, E Stebler, N Tanaka, CB Zou
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (24), 12,197-12,207, 2017
Comparison of conventionally observed interception evaporation in a 100-m2 subplot with that estimated in a 4-ha area of the same Bornean lowland tropical forest
OJ Manfroi, K Kuraji, M Suzuki, N Tanaka, T Kume, M Nakagawa, ...
Journal of Hydrology 329 (1-2), 329-349, 2006
Throughfall under a teak plantation in Thailand: a multifactorial analysis on the effects of canopy phenology and meteorological conditions
N Tanaka, D Levia, Y Igarashi, K Nanko, N Yoshifuji, K Tanaka, ...
International Journal of Biometeorology 59, 1145-1156, 2015
What factors are most influential in governing stemflow production from plantation-grown teak trees?
N Tanaka, D Levia, Y Igarashi, N Yoshifuji, K Tanaka, C Tantasirin, ...
Journal of Hydrology 544, 10-20, 2017
Estimation of canopy water storage capacity from sap flow measurements in a Bornean tropical rainforest
T Kume, OJ Manfroi, K Kuraji, N Tanaka, T Horiuchi, M Suzuki, T Kumagai
Journal of Hydrology 352 (3-4), 288-295, 2008
論文 1–20