Sarah R Davies
Cited by
Cited by
Constructing communication: Talking to scientists about talking to the public
SR Davies
Science Communication 29 (4), 413-434, 2008
Science Communication: Culture, Identity and Citizenship
SR Davies, M Horst
Springer, 2016
Discussing dialogue: perspectives on the value of science dialogue events that do not inform policy
S Davies, E McCallie, E Simonsson, JL Lehr, S Duensing
Public Understanding of Science 18 (3), 338-353, 2009
Hackerspaces: Making the Maker Movement
SR Davies
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Citizen engagement and urban change: Three case studies of material deliberation
SR Davies, C Selin, G Gano, ÂG Pereira
Cities 29 (6), 351-357, 2012
Science stories as culture: experience, identity, narrative and emotion in public communication of science
SR Davies, M Halpern, M Horst, D Kirby, B Lewenstein
Journal of Science Communication 18 (5), A01, 2019
Understanding public responses to emerging technologies: a narrative approach
P Macnaghten, SR Davies, M Kearnes
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 21 (5), 504-518, 2019
Experiments in engagement: Designing public engagement with science and technology for capacity building
C Selin, KC Rawlings, K de Ridder-Vignone, J Sadowski, ...
Public Understanding of Science 26 (6), 634-649, 2017
Experiments in engagement: Designing public engagement with science and technology for capacity building
C Selin, KC Rawlings, K de Ridder-Vignone, J Sadowski, ...
Public Understanding of Science 26 (6), 634-649, 2017
Reconfiguring responsibility: lessons for public policy
S Davies, P Macnaghten, M Kearnes
the report on Deepening Debate on Nanotechnology, Durham: Durham University, 2009
Constituting public engagement: Meanings and genealogies of PEST in two UK studies
SR Davies
Science Communication 35 (6), 687-707, 2013
Reconfiguring responsibility: lessons for public policy (Part 1 of the report on Deepening Debate on Nanotechnology)
S Davies, P Macnaghten, M Kearnes
Durham University, Durham, 2009
Characterizing hacking: Mundane engagement in US hacker and makerspaces
SR Davies
Science, Technology, & Human Values 43 (2), 171-197, 2018
‘Nothing really responsible goes on here’: scientists’ experience and practice of responsibility
C Glerup, SR Davies, M Horst
Journal of Responsible Innovation 4 (3), 319-336, 2017
Knowing and loving: Public engagement beyond discourse
SR Davies
Science & Technology Studies 27 (3), 90-110, 2014
The Value of “Dialogue Events” as Sites of Learning: An exploration of research and evaluation frameworks
JL Lehr, E McCallie, SR Davies, BR Caron, B Gammon, S Duensing
International Journal of Science Education 29 (12), 1467-1487, 2007
The rules of engagement: power and interaction in dialogue events
SR Davies
Public Understanding of Science 22 (1), 65-79, 2013
Reframing science communication
M Horst, SR Davies, A Irwin
The handbook of science and technology studies, 881-907, 2016
Public Science in a Wired World: How Online Media Are Shaping Science Communication
SR Davies, N Hara
Science Communication 39 (5), 563-568, 2017
An ethics of the system: Talking to scientists about research integrity
SR Davies
Science and engineering ethics 25 (4), 1235-1253, 2019
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Articles 1–20