確認したメール アドレス: u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Effects of pipeflow on hydrological process and its relation to landslide: a review of pipeflow studies in forested headwater catchments
T Uchida, K Kosugi, T Mizuyama
Hydrological processes 15 (11), 2151-2174, 2001
Residence times and flow paths of water in steep unchannelled catchments, Tanakami, Japan
Y Asano, T Uchida, N Ohte
Journal of Hydrology 261 (1-4), 173-192, 2002
Transient changes of landslide rates after earthquakes
O Marc, N Hovius, P Meunier, T Uchida, S Hayashi
Geology 43 (10), 883-886, 2015
The role of lateral pipe flow in hillslope runoff response: an intercomparison of non-linear hillslope response
T Uchida, I Tromp-van Meerveld, JJ McDonnell
Journal of Hydrology 311 (1-4), 117-133, 2005
Subsurface stormflow
M Weiler, JJ McDonnell, I Tromp‐van Meerveld, T Uchida
Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences, 2006
Runoff characteristics of pipeflow and effects of pipeflow on rainfall-runoff phenomena in a mountainous watershed
T Uchida, K Kosugi, T Mizuyama
Journal of Hydrology 222 (1-4), 18-36, 1999
Seepage area and rate of bedrock groundwater discharge at a granitic unchanneled hillslope
T Uchida, Y Asano, N Ohte, T Mizuyama
Water Resources Research 39 (1), 2003
A seismologically consistent expression for the total area and volume of earthquake‐triggered landsliding
O Marc, N Hovius, P Meunier, T Gorum, T Uchida
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (4), 640-663, 2016
Simple monitoring method for precaution of landslides watching tilting and water contents on slopes surface
T Uchimura, I Towhata, TT Lan Anh, J Fukuda, CJB Bautista, L Wang, ...
Landslides 7, 351-357, 2010
Effects of pipe flow and bedrock groundwater on runoff generation in a steep headwater catchment in Ashiu, central Japan
T Uchida, K Kosugi, T Mizuyama
Water Resources Research 38 (7), 24-1-24-14, 2002
Functional intercomparison of hillslopes and small catchments by examining water source, flowpath and mean residence time
T Uchida, JJ McDonnell, Y Asano
Journal of Hydrology 327 (3-4), 627-642, 2006
Are headwaters just the sum of hillslopes?
T Uchida, Y Asano, Y Onda, S Miyata
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 19 (16), 3251-3261, 2005
Initial insights from a global database of rainfall-induced landslide inventories: The weak influence of slope and strong influence of total storm rainfall
O Marc, A Stumpf, JP Malet, M Gosset, T Uchida, SH Chiang
Earth Surface Dynamics 6 (4), 903-922, 2018
Hydrologic and geochemical influences on the dissolved silica concentration in natural water in a steep headwater catchment
Y Asano, T Uchida, N Ohte
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (11), 1973-1989, 2003
Landslide patterns reveal the sources of large earthquakes
P Meunier, T Uchida, N Hovius
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 363, 27-33, 2013
Rainfall conditions, typhoon frequency, and contemporary landslide erosion in Japan
H Saito, O Korup, T Uchida, S Hayashi, T Oguchi
Geology 42 (11), 999-1002, 2014
Spatial patterns of stream solute concentrations in a steep mountainous catchment with a homogeneous landscape
Y Asano, T Uchida, Y Mimasu, N Ohte
Water Resources Research 45 (10), 2009
Effect of seepage on shallow landslides in consideration of changes in topography: case study including an experimental sandy slope with artificial rainfall
MS Kim, Y Onda, T Uchida, JK Kim, YS Song
Catena 161, 50-62, 2018
Evaluation of storm runoff pathways in steep nested catchments draining a Japanese cypress forest in central Japan: a geochemical approach
T Gomi, Y Asano, T Uchida, Y Onda, RC Sidle, S Miyata, K Kosugi, ...
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 24 (5), 550-566, 2010
Role of upslope soil pore pressure on lateral subsurface storm flow dynamics
T Uchida, Y Asano, T Mizuyama, JJ McDonnell
Water Resources Research 40 (12), 2004
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