Junichi Chikazoe
Junichi Chikazoe
確認したメール アドレス: nips.ac.jp
Preparation to inhibit a response complements response inhibition during performance of a stop-signal task
J Chikazoe, K Jimura, S Hirose, K Yamashita, Y Miyashita, S Konishi
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (50), 15870-15877, 2009
Activation of right inferior frontal gyrus during response inhibition across response modalities
J Chikazoe, S Konishi, T Asari, K Jimura, Y Miyashita
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (1), 69-80, 2007
Population coding of affect across stimuli, modalities and individuals
J Chikazoe, DH Lee, N Kriegeskorte, AK Anderson
Nature neuroscience 17 (8), 1114-1122, 2014
Functional dissociation in right inferior frontal cortex during performance of go/no-go task
J Chikazoe, K Jimura, T Asari, K Yamashita, H Morimoto, S Hirose, ...
Cerebral cortex 19 (1), 146-152, 2009
Localizing performance of go/no-go tasks to prefrontal cortical subregions
J Chikazoe
Current opinion in psychiatry 23 (3), 267-272, 2010
The neural representation of facial-emotion categories reflects conceptual structure
JA Brooks, J Chikazoe, N Sadato, JB Freeman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (32), 15861-15870, 2019
Emotional objectivity: Neural representations of emotions and their interaction with cognition
RM Todd, V Miskovic, J Chikazoe, AK Anderson
Annual review of psychology 71 (1), 25-48, 2020
Efficiency of go/no-go task performance implemented in the left hemisphere
S Hirose, J Chikazoe, T Watanabe, K Jimura, A Kunimatsu, O Abe, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (26), 9059-9065, 2012
Right temporopolar activation associated with unique perception
T Asari, S Konishi, K Jimura, J Chikazoe, N Nakamura, Y Miyashita
Neuroimage 41 (1), 145-152, 2008
Distinct representations of basic taste qualities in human gustatory cortex
J Chikazoe, DH Lee, N Kriegeskorte, AK Anderson
Nature communications 10 (1), 1048, 2019
Neural mechanism in anterior prefrontal cortex for inhibition of prolonged set interference
S Konishi, J Chikazoe, K Jimura, T Asari, Y Miyashita
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35), 12584-12588, 2005
Amygdalar enlargement associated with unique perception
T Asari, S Konishi, K Jimura, J Chikazoe, N Nakamura, Y Miyashita
Cortex 46 (1), 94-99, 2010
Formation of long-term memory representation in human temporal cortex related to pictorial paired associates
K Yamashita, S Hirose, A Kunimatsu, S Aoki, J Chikazoe, K Jimura, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (33), 10335-10340, 2009
Amygdalar modulation of frontotemporal connectivity during the inkblot test
T Asari, S Konishi, K Jimura, J Chikazoe, N Nakamura, Y Miyashita
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 182 (2), 103-110, 2010
On verbal/nonverbal modality dependence of left and right inferior prefrontal activation during performance of flanker interference task
HM Morimoto, S Hirose, J Chikazoe, K Jimura, T Asari, K Yamashita, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20 (11), 2006-2014, 2008
Activation shift from medial to lateral temporal cortex associated with recency judgements following impoverished encoding
S Konishi, T Asari, K Jimura, J Chikazoe, Y Miyashita
Cerebral Cortex 16 (4), 469-474, 2006
Prediction of subsequent recognition performance using brain activity in the medial temporal lobe
T Watanabe, S Hirose, H Wada, M Katsura, J Chikazoe, K Jimura, Y Imai, ...
Neuroimage 54 (4), 3085-3092, 2011
On co-activation pattern analysis and non-stationarity of resting brain activity
T Matsui, TQ Pham, K Jimura, J Chikazoe
NeuroImage 249, 118904, 2022
Sub-centimeter scale functional organization in human inferior frontal gyrus
S Hirose, J Chikazoe, K Jimura, K Yamashita, Y Miyashita, S Konishi
Neuroimage 47 (2), 442-450, 2009
FMRI activity in the macaque cerebellum evoked by intracortical microstimulation of the primary somatosensory cortex: evidence for polysynaptic propagation
T Matsui, KW Koyano, K Tamura, T Osada, Y Adachi, K Miyamoto, ...
PLoS One 7 (10), e47515, 2012
論文 1–20