Kazuo Shiokawa
Kazuo Shiokawa
確認したメール アドレス: stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp
The GEOTAIL magnetic field experiment
S Kokubun, T Yamamoto, MH Acuña, K Hayashi, K Shiokawa, H Kawano
Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 46 (1), 7-21, 1994
Braking of high‐speed flows in the near‐Earth tail
K Shiokawa, W Baumjohann, G Haerendel
Geophysical research letters 24 (10), 1179-1182, 1997
High‐speed ion flow, substorm current wedge, and multiple Pi 2 pulsations
K Shiokawa, W Baumjohann, G Haerendel, G Paschmann, JF Fennell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A3), 4491-4507, 1998
Precipitation of radiation belt electrons by EMIC waves, observed from ground and space
Y Miyoshi, K Sakaguchi, K Shiokawa, D Evans, J Albert, M Connors, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (23), 2008
Statistical study of nighttime medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using midlatitude airglow images
K Shiokawa, C Ihara, Y Otsuka, T Ogawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A1), 2003
Geospace exploration project ERG
Y Miyoshi, I Shinohara, T Takashima, K Asamura, N Higashio, T Mitani, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70, 1-13, 2018
Geomagnetic conjugate observations of medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbances at midlatitude using all‐sky airglow imagers
Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, T Ogawa, P Wilkinson
Geophysical research letters 31 (15), 2004
Flow braking and the substorm current wedge
J Birn, M Hesse, G Haerendel, W Baumjohann, K Shiokawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A9), 19895-19903, 1999
GPS observations of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over Europe
Y Otsuka, K Suzuki, S Nakagawa, M Nishioka, K Shiokawa, T Tsugawa
Annales Geophysicae 31 (2), 163-172, 2013
A physical mechanism of positive ionospheric storms at low latitudes and midlatitudes
N Balan, K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, T Kikuchi, D Vijaya Lekshmi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A2), 2010
Development of optical mesosphere thermosphere imagers (OMTI)
K Shiokawa, Y Katoh, M Satoh, MK Ejiri, T Ogawa, T Nakamura, T Tsuda, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 51, 887-896, 1999
Ground and satellite observations of nighttime medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbance at midlatitude
K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, C Ihara, T Ogawa, FJ Rich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A4), 2003
Geomagnetic conjugate observations of equatorial airglow depletions
Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, T Ogawa, P Wilkinson
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (15), 43-1-43-4, 2002
The ARASE (ERG) magnetic field investigation
A Matsuoka, M Teramoto, R Nomura, M Nosé, A Fujimoto, Y Tanaka, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70 (1), 1-16, 2018
Van Allen probes, NOAA, GOES, and ground observations of an intense EMIC wave event extending over 12 h in magnetic local time
MJ Engebretson, JL Posch, JR Wygant, CA Kletzing, MR Lessard, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (7), 5465-5488, 2015
Propagation characteristics of nighttime mesospheric and thermospheric waves observed by optical mesosphere thermosphere imagers at middle and low latitudes
K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, T Ogawa
Earth, planets and space 61, 479-491, 2009
Traveling ionospheric disturbances detected in the FRONT campaign
A Saito, M Nishimura, M Yamamoto, S Fukao, M Kubota, K Shiokawa, ...
Geophysical research letters 28 (4), 689-692, 2001
Simultaneous observations of nighttime medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbances and E region field‐aligned irregularities at midlatitude
Y Otsuka, F Onoma, K Shiokawa, T Ogawa, M Yamamoto, S Fukao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 112 (A6), 2007
Super plasma fountain and equatorial ionization anomaly during penetration electric field
N Balan, K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, S Watanabe, GJ Bailey
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A3), 2009
GPS detection of total electron content variations over Indonesia and Thailand following the 26 December 2004 earthquake
Y Otsuka, N Kotake, T Tsugawa, K Shiokawa, T Ogawa, Effendy, S Saito, ...
Earth, planets and space 58, 159-165, 2006
論文 1–20