Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Postdoctoral Researcher at Uppsala University, Sweden
確認したメール アドレス: kemi.uu.se - ホームページ
Quantifying capacitive and diffusion-controlled charge storage from 3D bulk to 2D layered halide perovskite-based porous electrodes for efficient supercapacitor applications
R Kumar, M Bag
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (31), 16946-16954, 2021
Unveiling the morphology effect on the negative capacitance and large ideality factor in perovskite light-emitting diodes
R Kumar, J Kumar, P Srivastava, D Moghe, D Kabra, M Bag
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (30), 34265-34273, 2020
Synthesis of porous electrode from CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystal for efficient supercapacitor application: Role of morphology on the charge storage and stability
R Kumar, PS Shukla, GD Varma, M Bag
Electrochimica Acta 398, 139344, 2021
Discerning the role of an A-site cation and X-site anion for ion conductivity tuning in hybrid perovskites by photoelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy
P Srivastava, R Kumar, M Bag
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (1), 211-222, 2020
Role of A-site cation and X-site halide interactions in mixed-cation mixed-halide perovskites for determining anomalously high ideality factor and the super-linear power law in …
R Kumar, P Srivastava, M Bag
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (12), 4087-4098, 2020
Photorechargeable hybrid halide perovskite supercapacitors
R Kumar, A Kumar, PS Shukla, GD Varma, D Venkataraman, M Bag
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (31), 35592-35599, 2022
Hybrid Halide Perovskite Based Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Recent Progress and Perspective
R Kumar, M Bag
Energy Technology, 2021
Unraveling the antisolvent dripping delay effect on the Stranski–Krastanov growth of CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 thin films: a facile route for preparing a textured morphology with …
J Kumar, R Kumar, K Frohna, D Moghe, SD Stranks, M Bag
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (45), 26592-26604, 2020
The curious case of ion migration in solid-state and liquid electrolyte-based perovskite devices: Unveiling the role of charge accumulation and extraction at the interfaces
P Srivastava, R Kumar, M Bag
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (18), 10936-10945, 2021
Tunable ionic conductivity and photoluminescence in quasi-2D CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 thin films incorporating sulphur doped graphene quantum dots
R Kumar, J Kumar, S Kadian, P Srivastava, G Manik, M Bag
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (39), 22733-22742, 2021
Electronic-Ionic Transport in MAPbBr3 Single Crystal: The Evidence of Super-Linear Power Law in AC Conductivity
R Kumar, P Srivastava, T Kumar, M Bag
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (33), 14305-14311, 2022
Graphene as charge transport layers in lead free perovskite solar cell
M Singh, R Kumar, V Singh
Materials Research Express 6 (11), 115611, 2019
Tuning Conductivity of Lead-Free Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite Ternary Composite with PEDOT:PSS and Carbon Black for Supercapacitor Application
S Beniwal, A Kumar, R Kumar, A Suhail, M Bag
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (27), 12874-12881, 2023
Dimensional engineering to simultaneously enhance energy density and stability of MAPbBr 3-based photo-rechargeable ion capacitors
T Kumar, R Thakuria, M Kumar, A Kumar, R Kumar, M Bag
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 7 (20), 5018-5028, 2023
Fusible Low Work Function Top Electrode for Vacuum-Free Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode Application: Role of OH-Terminated Sn Atoms at the Alloy Surface
R Kumar, J Kumar, M Bag
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3 (6), 2757-2765, 2021
Photo‐generated Charge Trapping in Phase Segregated Halide Perovskites–A Comprehensive Approach towards Efficient Photo‐Rechargeable Ion Capacitors
T Kumar, A Kumar, S Beniwal, R Kumar, M Bag
Batteries & Supercaps 6 (10), e202300213, 2023
Intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy to investigate hidden kinetics at hybrid perovskite–electrolyte interface
P Srivastava, R Kumar, H Ronchiya, M Bag
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 14212, 2022
Iontronics in Hybrid Halide Perovskites for Smart Portable Electronic Devices and Their Challenges
R Kumar, P Srivastava, T Kumar, S Beniwal, FN Mansoorie, M Bag
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2023
Dual-edged sword of ion migration in perovskite materials for simultaneous energy harvesting and storage application
R Kumar, M Bag, SM Jain
Iscience 26 (11), 2023
Breaking the mold: Rethinking defects in Pb-free vacancy ordered perovskite for enhanced CO2 reduction and supercapacitor functionality
R Thakuria, T Kumar, M Kumar, R Kumar, M Bag
Materials Today Chemistry 36, 101949, 2024
論文 1–20