Michio J. Kishi
Michio J. Kishi
確認したメール アドレス: nifty.com
NEMURO—a lower trophic level model for the North Pacific marine ecosystem
MJ Kishi, M Kashiwai, DM Ware, BA Megrey, DL Eslinger, FE Werner, ...
Ecological Modelling 202 (1-2), 12-25, 2007
An ecological-physical coupled model applied to Station Papa
M Kawamiya, MJ Kishi, Y Yamanaka, N Suginohara
Journal of Oceanography 51, 635-664, 1995
Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump
E Watanabe, J Onodera, N Harada, MC Honda, K Kimoto, T Kikuchi, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 3950, 2014
Initial design for a fish bioenergetics model of Pacific saury coupled to a lower trophic ecosystem model
SI ITO, MJ Kishi, Y Kurita, Y Oozeki, Y Yamanaka, BA Megrey, FE Werner
Fisheries Oceanography 13, 111-124, 2004
Interdecadal variation of the lower trophic ecosystem in the northern Pacific between 1948 and 2002, in a 3-D implementation of the NEMURO model
MN Aita, Y Yamanaka, MJ Kishi
ecological modelling 202 (1-2), 81-94, 2007
A review of the NEMURO and NEMURO. FISH models and their application to marine ecosystem investigations
MJ Kishi, S Ito, BA Megrey, KA Rose, FE Werner
Journal of oceanography 67, 3-16, 2011
An ecosystem model coupled with Nitrogen-Silicon-Carbon cycles applied to Station A7 in the Northwestern Pacific
Y Yamanaka, N Yoshie, M Fujii, MN Aita, MJ Kishi
Journal of Oceanography 60, 227-241, 2004
A one-dimensional ecosystem model applied to time-series Station KNOT
M Fujii, Y Nojiri, Y Yamanaka, MJ Kishi
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (24-25), 5441-5461, 2002
An ecological-physical coupled model with ontogenetic vertical migration of zooplankton in the northwestern Pacific
MJ Kishi, H Motono, M Kashiwai, A Tsuda
Journal of oceanography 57, 499-507, 2001
On the interannual variability of the growth of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira): a simple 3-box model using NEMURO. FISH
SI Ito, BA Megrey, MJ Kishi, D Mukai, Y Kurita, Y Ueno, Y Yamanaka
Ecological modelling 202 (1-2), 174-183, 2007
Linear relationship between carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios along simple food chains in marine environments
MN Aita, K Tadokoro, NO Ogawa, F Hyodo, R Ishii, SL Smith, T Saino, ...
Journal of plankton research 33 (11), 1629-1642, 2011
Modeling the transport and survival of Japanese sardine larvae in and around the Kuroshio Current
A Kasai, MJ Kishi, T Sugimoto
Fisheries Oceanography 1 (1), 1-10, 1992
One dimensional ecosystem model simulation of the effects of vertical dilution by the winter mixing on the spring diatom bloom
N Yoshie, Y Yamanaka, MJ Kishi, H Saito
Journal of oceanography 59, 563-571, 2003
Population dynamics of ‘red tide’organisms in eutrophicated coastal waters—Numerical experiment of phytoplankton bloom in the East Seto Inland Sea, Japan
M Kishi, S Ikeda
Ecological modelling 31 (1-4), 145-174, 1986
Synthesis of the NEMURO model studies and future directions of marine ecosystem modeling
FE Werner, SI Ito, BA Megrey, MJ Kishi
ecological modelling 202 (1-2), 211-223, 2007
Parameter sensitivity study of the NEMURO lower trophic level marine ecosystem model
N Yoshie, Y Yamanaka, KA Rose, DL Eslinger, DM Ware, MJ Kishi
Ecological Modelling 202 (1-2), 26-37, 2007
Numerical simulation model for quantitative management of aquaculture
MJ Kishi, M Uchiyama, Y Iwata
Ecological Modelling 72 (1-2), 21-40, 1994
Sensitivity analysis of a coastal marine ecosystem
MJ Kishi, K Nakata, K Ishikawa
Journal of the oceanographical society of Japan 37, 120-134, 1981
The effect of climate change on the growth of Japanese chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) using a bioenergetics model coupled with a three-dimensional lower trophic ecosystem …
MJ Kishi, M Kaeriyama, H Ueno, Y Kamezawa
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (13-14), 1257-1265, 2010
Effects of ontogenetic vertical migration of zooplankton on annual primary production–using NEMURO embedded in a general circulation model
MN Aita, Y Yamanaka, MJ Kishi
Fisheries Oceanography 12 (4‐5), 284-290, 2003
論文 1–20