Mehrdad Raisee Dehkordi
Mehrdad Raisee Dehkordi
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran
確認したメール アドレス: ut.ac.ir - ホームページ
Recent progress in the computation of flow and heat transfer in internal cooling passages of turbine blades
H Iacovides, M Raisee
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 20 (3), 320-328, 1999
Experimental investigation of CuO nanofluid-based direct absorption solar collector for residential applications
M Karami, MA Akhavan-Bahabadi, S Delfani, M Raisee
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52, 793-801, 2015
Thermo-optical properties of copper oxide nanofluids for direct absorption of solar radiation
M Karami, MA Akhavan-Behabadi, MR Dehkordi, S Delfani
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 144, 136-142, 2016
A robust and efficient stepwise regression method for building sparse polynomial chaos expansions
S Abraham, M Raisee, G Ghorbaniasl, F Contino, C Lacor
Journal of Computational Physics 332, 461-474, 2017
Heat transfer properties of nanodiamond–engine oil nanofluid in laminar flow
M Ghazvini, MA Akhavan-Behabadi, E Rasouli, M Raisee
Heat Transfer Engineering 33 (6), 525-532, 2012
Numerical study of electroosmotic micromixing of non-Newtonian fluids
M Hadigol, R Nosrati, A Nourbakhsh, M Raisee
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 (17-18), 965-971, 2011
Effects of volute curvature on performance of a low specific-speed centrifugal pump at design and off-design conditions
H Alemi, SA Nourbakhsh, M Raisee, AF Najafi
Journal of Turbomachinery 137 (4), 041009, 2015
A non‐intrusive model reduction approach for polynomial chaos expansion using proper orthogonal decomposition
M Raisee, D Kumar, C Lacor
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103 (4), 293-312, 2015
The impact of spinal cord nerve roots and denticulate ligaments on cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in the cervical spine
S Heidari Pahlavian, T Yiallourou, RS Tubbs, AC Bunck, F Loth, M Goodin, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e91888, 2014
Numerical analysis of mixed electroosmotic/pressure driven flow of power-law fluids in microchannels and micropumps
M Hadigol, R Nosrati, M Raisee
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 374 (1-3 …, 2011
Modeling Hydroxyl Radical Distribution and Trialkyl Phosphates Oxidation in UV−H2O2 Photoreactors Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
D Santoro, M Raisee, M Moghaddami, J Ducoste, M Sasges, L Liberti, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (16), 6233-6241, 2010
Flow and heat transfer in straight cooling passages with inclined ribs on opposite walls: an experimental and computational study
H Iacovides, G Kelemenis, M Raisee
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 27 (3), 283-294, 2003
Unsteady pressure measurements on the runner of a Kaplan turbine during load acceptance and load rejection
K Amiri, B Mulu, M Raisee, MJ Cervantes
Journal of Hydraulic Research 54 (1), 56-73, 2016
Three-dimensional streamline-based simulation of non-isothermal two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media
M Siavashi, MJ Blunt, M Raisee, P Pourafshary
Computers & Fluids 103, 116-131, 2014
Heat transfer enhancement in a straight channel via a rotationally oscillating adiabatic cylinder
A Beskok, M Raisee, B Celik, B Yagiz, M Cheraghi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 58, 61-69, 2012
Computation of flow and heat transfer in two‐dimensional rib‐roughened passages, using low‐Reynolds‐number turbulence models
H Iacovides, M Raisee
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 11 (2), 138-155, 2001
Heat transfer enhancement in a slot channel via a transversely oscillating adiabatic circular cylinder
B Celik, M Raisee, A Beskok
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (4), 626-634, 2010
An efficient multifidelity ℓ1-minimization method for sparse polynomial chaos
S Salehi, M Raisee, MJ Cervantes, A Nourbakhsh
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 334, 183-207, 2018
Unsteady turbulent pipe flow due to water hammer using k–θ turbulence model
A Riasi, A Nourbakhsh, M Raisee
Journal of Hydraulic Research 47 (4), 429-437, 2009
Nondeterministic Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Escherichia coli Inactivation by Peracetic Acid in Municipal Wastewater Contact Tanks
D Santoro, F Crapulli, M Raisee, G Raspa, CN Haas
Environmental science & technology 49 (12), 7265-7275, 2015
論文 1–20