Carlito Baltazar Tabelin
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Cited by
A review of recent strategies for acid mine drainage prevention and mine tailings recycling
I Park, CB Tabelin, S Jeon, X Li, K Seno, M Ito, N Hiroyoshi
Chemosphere 219, 588-606, 2019
Arsenic, selenium, boron, lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc in naturally contaminated rocks: A review of their sources, modes of enrichment, mechanisms of release, and mitigation …
CB Tabelin, T Igarashi, M Villacorte-Tabelin, I Park, EM Opiso, M Ito, ...
Science of the total environment 645, 1522-1553, 2018
Towards a low-carbon society: A review of lithium resource availability, challenges and innovations in mining, extraction and recycling, and future perspectives
CB Tabelin, J Dallas, S Casanova, T Pelech, G Bournival, S Saydam, ...
Minerals Engineering 163, 106743, 2021
Copper and critical metals production from porphyry ores and E-wastes: A review of resource availability, processing/recycling challenges, socio-environmental aspects, and …
CB Tabelin, I Park, T Phengsaart, S Jeon, M Villacorte-Tabelin, D Alonzo, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170, 105610, 2021
Acid mine drainage formation and arsenic mobility under strongly acidic conditions: Importance of soluble phases, iron oxyhydroxides/oxides and nature of oxidation layer on pyrite
CB Tabelin, RD Corpuz, T Igarashi, M Villacorte-Tabelin, RD Alorro, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 399, 122844, 2020
The two-step neutralization ferrite-formation process for sustainable acid mine drainage treatment: Removal of copper, zinc and arsenic, and the influence of coexisting ions on …
T Igarashi, PS Herrera, H Uchiyama, H Miyamae, N Iyatomi, K Hashimoto, ...
Science of the Total Environment 715, 136877, 2020
Pyrite oxidation in the presence of hematite and alumina: I. Batch leaching experiments and kinetic modeling calculations
CB Tabelin, S Veerawattananun, M Ito, N Hiroyoshi, T Igarashi
Science of the Total Environment 580, 687-698, 2017
Mechanisms of arsenic and lead release from hydrothermally altered rock
CB Tabelin, T Igarashi
Journal of Hazardous Materials 169 (1-3), 980-990, 2009
Acid mine drainage sources and hydrogeochemistry at the Yatani mine, Yamagata, Japan: A geochemical and isotopic study
S Tomiyama, T Igarashi, CB Tabelin, P Tangviroon, H Ii
Journal of contaminant hydrology 225, 103502, 2019
Solid-phase partitioning and release-retention mechanisms of copper, lead, zinc and arsenic in soils impacted by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) activities
CB Tabelin, M Silwamba, FC Paglinawan, AJS Mondejar, HG Duc, ...
Chemosphere 260, 127574, 2020
Leaching of boron, arsenic and selenium from sedimentary rocks: II. pH dependence, speciation and mechanisms of release
CB Tabelin, A Hashimoto, T Igarashi, T Yoneda
Science of the Total Environment 473, 244-253, 2014
Simultaneous leaching of arsenite, arsenate, selenite and selenate, and their migration in tunnel-excavated sedimentary rocks: I. Column experiments under intermittent and …
CB Tabelin, R Sasaki, T Igarashi, I Park, S Tamoto, T Arima, M Ito, ...
Chemosphere 186, 558-569, 2017
Hematite-catalysed scorodite formation as a novel arsenic immobilisation strategy under ambient conditions
CB Tabelin, RD Corpuz, T Igarashi, M Villacorte-Tabelin, M Ito, ...
Chemosphere 233, 946-953, 2019
Leaching of boron, arsenic and selenium from sedimentary rocks: I. Effects of contact time, mixing speed and liquid-to-solid ratio
CB Tabelin, A Hashimoto, T Igarashi, T Yoneda
Science of the total environment 472, 620-629, 2014
Combined neutralization–adsorption system for the disposal of hydrothermally altered excavated rock producing acidic leachate with hazardous elements
T Tatsuhara, T Arima, T Igarashi, CB Tabelin
Engineering Geology 139, 76-84, 2012
Short and long term release mechanisms of arsenic, selenium and boron from a tunnel-excavated sedimentary rock under in situ conditions
S Tamoto, CB Tabelin, T Igarashi, M Ito, N Hiroyoshi
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 175, 60-71, 2015
Gold recovery from shredder light fraction of E-waste recycling plant by flotation-ammonium thiosulfate leaching
S Jeon, M Ito, CB Tabelin, R Pongsumrankul, N Kitajima, I Park, ...
Waste management 77, 195-202, 2018
Ammonium thiosulfate extraction of gold from printed circuit boards (PCBs) of end-of-life mobile phones and its recovery from pregnant leach solution by cementation
S Jeon, CB Tabelin, I Park, Y Nagata, M Ito, N Hiroyoshi
Hydrometallurgy 191, 105214, 2020
Simultaneous suppression of acid mine drainage formation and arsenic release by Carrier-microencapsulation using aluminum-catecholate complexes
I Park, CB Tabelin, K Seno, S Jeon, M Ito, N Hiroyoshi
Chemosphere 205, 414-425, 2018
The solid-phase partitioning of arsenic in unconsolidated sediments of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam and its modes of release under various conditions
DT Huyen, CB Tabelin, HM Thuan, DH Dang, PT Truong, ...
Chemosphere 233, 512-523, 2019
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Articles 1–20