Daniel Kosov
Daniel Kosov
確認したメール アドレス: jcu.edu.au - ホームページ
Peptide conformational heterogeneity revealed from nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy and molecular-dynamics simulations
S Woutersen, R Pfister, P Hamm, Y Mu, DS Kosov, G Stock
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (14), 6833-6840, 2002
Conformational dynamics of trialanine in water. 2. Comparison of AMBER, CHARMM, GROMOS, and OPLS force fields to NMR and infrared experiments
Y Mu, DS Kosov, G Stock
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (21), 5064-5073, 2003
Convergence of the electrostatic interaction based on topological atoms
PLA Popelier, L Joubert, DS Kosov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105 (35), 8254-8261, 2001
Atom–atom partitioning of intramolecular and intermolecular Coulomb energy
PLA Popelier, DS Kosov
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (15), 6539-6547, 2001
Ab initio-based exciton model of amide I vibrations in peptides: Definition, conformational dependence, and transferability
RD Gorbunov, DS Kosov, G Stock
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (22), 2005
Atomic partitioning of molecular electrostatic potentials
DS Kosov, PLA Popelier
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (31), 7339-7345, 2000
Nature of well-defined conductance of amine-anchored molecular junctions: Density functional calculations
Z Li, DS Kosov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035415, 2007
Super-fermion representation of quantum kinetic equations for the electron transport problem
AA Dzhioev, DS Kosov
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (4), 2011
Dithiocarbamate anchoring in molecular wire junctions: a first principles study
Z Li, DS Kosov
The journal of physical chemistry B 110 (20), 9893-9898, 2006
Convergence of the multipole expansion for electrostatic potentials of finite topological atoms
DS Kosov, PLA Popelier
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (10), 3969-3974, 2000
Consequences of covariant kaon dynamics in heavy ion collisions
C Fuchs, DS Kosov, A Faessler, ZS Wang, T Waindzoch
Physics Letters B 434 (3-4), 245-250, 1998
Orbital interaction mechanisms of conductance enhancement and rectification by dithiocarboxylate anchoring group
Z Li, DS Kosov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (39), 19116-19120, 2006
Nonequilibrium perturbation theory in Liouville-Fock space for inelastic electron transport
AA Dzhioev, DS Kosov
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2012 24, 225304, 2012
In-medium dependence and Coulomb effects of the pion production in heavy ion collisions
VSU Maheswari, C Fuchs, A Faessler, L Sehn, DS Kosov, Z Wang
Nuclear Physics A 628 (4), 669-685, 1998
Constraints on the relativistic mean field of Δ-isobar in nuclear matter
DS Kosov, C Fuchs, BV Martemyanov, A Faessler
Physics Letters B 421 (1-4), 37-40, 1998
Origin of subthreshold K+ production in heavy ion collisions
C Fuchs, Z Wang, L Sehn, A Faessler, VSU Maheswari, DS Kosov
Physical Review C 56 (2), R606, 1997
Kramers problem for nonequilibrium current-induced chemical reactions
AA Dzhioev, DS Kosov
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (7), 2011
Scalar and vector decomposition of the nucleon self-energy in the relativistic Brueckner approach
C Fuchs, T Waindzoch, A Faessler, DS Kosov
Physical Review C 58 (4), 2022, 1998
Role of the Coulomb interaction in the flow and the azimuthal distribution of kaons from heavy ion reactions
ZS Wang, A Faessler, C Fuchs, VSU Maheswari, D Kosov
Nuclear Physics A 628 (1), 151-160, 1998
Out-of-equilibrium catalysis of chemical reactions by electronic tunnel currents
AA Dzhioev, DS Kosov, F Von Oppen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (13), 2013
論文 1–20