Harini Hapuarachchi
Harini Hapuarachchi
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Cavity QED analysis of an exciton-plasmon hybrid molecule via the generalized nonlocal optical response method
H Hapuarachchi, M Premaratne, Q Bao, W Cheng, SD Gunapala, ...
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245419, 2017
Optoelectronic figure of merit of a metal nanoparticle—quantum dot (MNP-QD) hybrid molecule for assessing its suitability for sensing applications
H Hapuarachchi, S Mallawaarachchi, HT Hattori, W Zhu, M Premaratne
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (5), 054006, 2018
Poly (n-isopropylacrylamide) capped plasmonic nanoparticles as resonance intensity-based temperature sensors with linear correlation
Y Liu, X Dai, S Mallawaarachchi, H Hapuarachchi, Q Shi, D Dong, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (42), 10926-10932, 2017
Exciton behavior under the influence of metal nanoparticle near fields: Significance of nonlocal effects
H Hapuarachchi, SD Gunapala, Q Bao, MI Stockman, M Premaratne
Physical Review B 98 (11), 115430, 2018
Control of quantum emitter-plasmon strong coupling and energy transport with external electrostatic fields
K Gettapola, H Hapuarachchi, MI Stockman, M Premaratne
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (12), 125301, 2019
Scattering characteristics of an exciton-plasmon nanohybrid made by coupling a monolayer graphene nanoflake to a carbon nanotube
V Senevirathne, H Hapuarachchi, S Mallawaarachchi, SD Gunapala, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (8), 085302, 2019
Controlling Photoluminescence for optoelectronic applications via precision fabrication of quantum Dot/Au nanoparticle hybrid assemblies
A Nisar, H Hapuarachchi, L Lermusiaux, JH Cole, AM Funston
ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (3), 3213-3228, 2022
Plasmonic metaresonances: harnessing nonlocal effects for prospective biomedical applications
H Hapuarachchi, SD Gunapala, M Premaratne
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (32), 325301, 2019
Quantum Master Equations: Tips and Tricks for Quantum Optics, Quantum Computing, and Beyond
F Campaioli, JH Cole, H Hapuarachchi
PRX Quantum 5 (2), 020202, 2024
A Tutorial on Quantum Master Equations: Tips and tricks for quantum optics, quantum computing and beyond
F Campaioli, JH Cole, H Hapuarachchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16449, 2023
Influence of a planar metal nanoparticle assembly on the optical response of a quantum emitter
H Hapuarachchi, JH Cole
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043092, 2020
NV-plasmonics: modifying optical emission of an NV center via plasmonic metal nanoparticles
H Hapuarachchi, F Campaioli, JH Cole
Nanophotonics 11 (21), 4919-4927, 2022
Thermoresponsive nanohybrids for tumor imaging
H Hapuarachchi, M Premaratne
2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and …, 2018
Long-term water pipe condition assessment: a semiparametric model using gaussian process and survival analysis
D Weeraddana, H Hapuarachchi, L Kumarapperuma, NLD Khoa, C Cai
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 487-499, 2020
Prospects of Utilizing Quantum Emitters to Control the Absorption of Non‐Noble Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles
L Steinfeld, JH Cole, H Hapuarachchi
Annalen der Physik 535 (8), 2200327, 2023
Enhanced control of quantum dot photoluminescence in hybrid assemblies
A Nisar, H Hapuarachchi, L Lermusiaux, JH Cole, AM Funston
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08537, 2021
Analysis of exciton-plasmon nanohybrids
HP Hapuarachchi
Ph. D. Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, 2019
Drawbacks of current IVF incubators and novel minimal embryo stress incubator design
KAS Pramuditha, HP Hapuarachchi, NN Nanayakkara, PR Senanayaka, ...
2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information …, 2015
Plasmonically engineered nitrogen-vacancy spin readout
H Hapuarachchi, F Campaioli, F Jelezko, JH Cole
Optics Express 32 (13), 22352-22361, 2024
Optical interaction of the NV-centre in diamond with a plasmonic metal nanoparticle
H Hapuarachchi, F Campaioli, JH Cole
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.04854, 2022
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Articles 1–20