Ragnhild Hancke
Complete structural model for lanthanum tungstate: a chemically stable high temperature proton conductor by means of intrinsic defects
A Magrasó, JM Polfus, C Frontera, J Canales-Vázquez, LE Kalland, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (5), 1762-1764, 2012
The case for high-pressure PEM water electrolysis
R Hancke, T Holm, Ø Ulleberg
Energy Conversion and Management 261, 115642, 2022
Techno-economic calculations of small-scale hydrogen supply systems for zero emission transport in Norway
Ø Ulleberg, R Hancke
international journal of hydrogen energy 45 (2), 1201-1211, 2020
Incentives and legal barriers for power-to-hydrogen pathways: An international snapshot
F Dolci, D Thomas, S Hilliard, CF Guerra, R Hancke, H Ito, M Jegoux, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (23), 11394-11401, 2019
Defect structure and its nomenclature for mixed conducting lanthanum tungstates La28–xW4+ xO54+ 3x/2
S Erdal, LE Kalland, R Hancke, J Polfus, R Haugsrud, T Norby, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (9), 8051-8055, 2012
Hydration of lanthanum tungstate (La/W= 5.6 and 5.3) studied by TG and simultaneous TG–DSC
R Hancke, A Magrasó, T Norby, R Haugsrud
Solid State Ionics 231, 25-29, 2013
Determination of proton-and oxide ion tracer diffusion in lanthanum tungstate (La/W= 5.6) by means of ToF-SIMS
R Hancke, S Fearn, JA Kilner, R Haugsrud
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (40), 13971-13978, 2012
Thermogravimetric relaxation study of the proton conductor lanthanum tungstate, La28− xW4+ xO54+ δv2− δ, x= 0.85
R Hancke, Z Li, R Haugsrud
International journal of hydrogen energy 37 (9), 8043-8050, 2012
Hydrogen surface exchange on proton conducting oxides studied by gas phase analysis with mass spectrometry
R Hancke, Z Li, R Haugsrud
Journal of membrane science 439, 68-77, 2013
The kinetics of hydration and H/D isotope exchange of Y-doped barium cerate and lanthanum tungstate studied by transient thermogravimetry
R Hancke, Z Li, R Haugsrud
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (8), F757, 2013
Atomistic study of LaNbO4; surface properties and hydrogen adsorption
K Hadidi, R Hancke, T Norby, AE Gunnæs, OM Løvvik
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (8), 6674-6685, 2012
High-pressure PEM water electrolyser performance up to 180 bar differential pressure
R Hancke, P Bujlo, T Holm, Ø Ulleberg
Journal of Power Sources 601, 234271, 2024
Ohmically heated ceramic asymmetric tubular membranes for gas separation
R Hancke, TV Larsen, W Xing, Z Li, ML Fontaine, T Norby
Journal of membrane science 564, 598-604, 2018
Efficient hydrogen infrastructure for bus fleets: Evaluation of slow refueling concept for bus depots and estimates of hydrogen supply cost
R Hancke, J Danebergs, L Kvalbein, F Aarskog
IFE/E, 2020
High differential pressure PEMWE system laboratory
R Hancke, Ø Ulleberg, R Skattum, V Torp, JE Jensen
The correlation between surface kinetic and bulk diffusion properties of proton conducting oxides
R Hancke, R Haugsrud
Solid State Ionics 306, 48-54, 2017
(Invited) Design and Testing of a High-Pressure PEM Water Electrolyzer System Test Rig
R Hancke, P Bujlo, Ø Ulleberg
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 240, 1244-1244, 2021
(Invited) High-Pressure PEM Water Electrolysis Stack and System Testing
Ø Ulleberg, R Hancke, P Bujlo, T Holm
242nd ECS Meeting (October 9-13, 2022), 2022
High-Pressure PEMWE Stack and System Characterization
R Hancke, P Bujlo, T Holm, Ø Ulleberg
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241, 1748-1748, 2022
High-Pressure PEM Water Electrolysis Stack and System Characterization
R Hancke, P Bujlo, Ø Ulleberg
論文 1–20