Shruti Ranjan Mishra
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Microbial mat related structures (MRS) from Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh and Khariar basins, Central India and their bearing on shallow marine sedimentation
PP Chakraborty, P Das, S Saha, K Das, SR Mishra, P Paul
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 35 (4), 513-523, 2012
Facies architecture and depositional evolution of Palaeocene–Eocene, Subathu Formation, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India
SR Mishra, R Karmakar, SC Tripathi, M Gupta, R Sarswat
Journal of Earth System Science 128, 1-13, 2019
Lagerstroemia L. fossil wood from the Indus molasse sediments (possibly late Miocene) of Trans-Himalayan region and its phytogeographic and climatic significance
G Srivastava, SR Mishra, P Barman, RC Mehrotra, SC Tripathi
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 255, 14-21, 2018
Palaeogene of the Indian subcontinent
VV Kapur, SK Pandey, SR Mishra, 2015
Effects of Climate Change on the Environment
S Pandey, SR Mishra, D Kumar
First Report of Late Jurassic Aulacosphinctes from the volcano-sedimentary sequence of Dras Formation, ITSZ, Ladakh Himalaya, India
P Barman, SR Mishra, A Roy, AC Pande
First record of Auroradiolites biconvexus from the platformal carbonate of Khalsi Formation (Cretaceous), ITSZ, Ladakh Himalaya, India
P Barman, SR Mishra, AC Pande
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Articles 1–7