Henry Setiyanto (ORCID:0000-0002-5437-4257)
Henry Setiyanto (ORCID:0000-0002-5437-4257)
Analytical Chemistry Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
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Cited by
Adsorption Of Congo Red From Aqueous Solution Using Powdered Eggshell
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto
Adsorption 5 (4), 1532-1540, 2013
Karakteristik dadih susu sapi yang menggunakan starter bakteri probiotik
S Usmiati, W Broto, H Setiyanto
Jitv 16 (2), 141-153, 2011
Peat water treatment using chitosan-silica composite as an adsorbent
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto, D Wahyuningrum, RR Mukti
International Journal of Environmental Research 8 (3), 687-710, 2014
Adsorption of Humic Acid from Peat Water on Pyrophyllite
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto
International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences. 1 (4 …, 2013
Electrochemical sensor based on Screen Printed Carbon Electrode -ZnONPs/Molecularly Imprinted-Polymer (SPCE-ZnONPs/MIP) for detection of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)
P Faradilla, H Setiyanto, RV Manurung, V Saraswaty
RSC Advances 12 (2), 743-752, 2022
Rubber seeds (Hevea brasiliensis): an adsorbent for adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto, L Solakhudin
Desalination and Water Treatment 56 (11), 2976-2987, 2015
Effect of temperature and kinetic modelling of lignosulfonate adsorption onto powdered eggshell in batch systems
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto, SD Djajanti
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 35 (3), 309-316, 2013
Silver Nanoparticles Coupled with Graphene Nanoplatelets Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes for Rhodamine B Detection in Food Products
AE Kartika, H Setiyanto, RV Manurung, SNA Jenie, V Saraswaty
ACS Omega 6 (47), 31477-31484, 2021
Fe3O4 nano-particles prepared by co-precipitation method using local sands as a raw material and their application for humic acid removal
MA Zulfikar, FI Suri, Rusnadi, H Setiyanto, N Mufti, M Ledyastuti, ...
International Journal of Environmental Studies 73 (1), 79-94, 2016
Study of the adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic for the removal of Congo Red from aqueous solution using powdered eggshell
MA Zulfikar, H Setiyanto
International Journal of ChemTech Research 5 (4), 1671-1678, 2013
Chemical reactivity of chlorambucil in organic solvents: influence of 4-chloro butyronitrile nucleophile to voltammogram profiles
H Setiyanto, V Saraswaty, R Hertadi, I Noviandri, B Buchari
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 6 (6), 2090-2100, 2011
Removal of phthalate ester compound from PVC plastic samples using magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer on the surface of superparamagnetic Fe3O4 (Fe3O4@ MIPs)
MA Zulfikar, AR Utami, N Handayani, D Wahyuningrum, H Setiyanto, ...
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 17, 100646, 2022
Penggunaan berbagai tingkat kadar lemak susu kambing dan susu sapi terhadap mutu dan cita rasa yoghurt
R Sunarlim, H Setiyanto
BPT. Bogor, 371-378, 2001
Electropolymerized of aniline as a new molecularly imprinted polymer for determination of phenol: A study for phenol sensor
S Rahmadhani, H Setiyanto, MA Zulfikar
2017 International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and …, 2017
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of endophytic fungus Fennellia nivea NRRL 5504.
V Saraswaty, Y Srikandace, NA Simbiyani, H Setiyanto, Z Udin
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 16 (22), 1574-1578, 2013
Applicability of alginate film entrapped yeast for microbial fuel cell
U Mardiana, C Innocent, M Cretin, Buchari, H Setiyanto, R Nurpalah, ...
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 55, 78-87, 2019
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs): a functional material for removal of humic acid from peat water
MA Zulfikar, D Wahyuningrum, RR Mukti, H Setiyanto
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (32), 15164-15175, 2016
Highly selective electrochemical sensing based on electropolymerized ion imprinted polyaniline (IIPANI) on a bismuth modified carbon paste electrode (CPE-Bi) for monitoring …
H Setiyanto, DR Purwaningsih, V Saraswaty, N Mufti, MA Zulfikar
RSC advances 12 (45), 29554-29561, 2022
Ortho–para H 2 conversion on multiple-decked sandwich clusters of M (C 6 H 6) 2 (M= Mn, Fe, Co) induced by an inhomogeneity of spin density distribution
R Muhida, H Setiyanto, MM Rahman, WA Diņo, H Nakanishi, H Kasai, ...
Thin Solid Films 509 (1), 223-226, 2006
The Performance of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) - Modified Carbon Paste Electrode and Its Application in Detecting Phenol
H Setiyanto, S Rahmadhani, S Sukandar, V Saraswaty, MA Zulfikar, ...
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 15 (6), 5477-5486, 2020
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