Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
The University of Tokyo
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Universal fluctuations of growing interfaces: evidence in turbulent liquid crystals
KA Takeuchi, M Sano
Physical review letters 104 (23), 230601, 2010
Directed percolation criticality in turbulent liquid crystals
KA Takeuchi, M Kuroda, H Chaté, M Sano
Physical review letters 99 (23), 234503, 2007
Growing interfaces uncover universal fluctuations behind scale invariance
KA Takeuchi, M Sano, T Sasamoto, H Spohn
Scientific reports 1, 34, 2011
A KPZ cocktail-shaken, not stirred... toasting 30 years of kinetically roughened surfaces
T Halpin-Healy, KA Takeuchi
Journal of Statistical Physics 160, 794-814, 2015
Evidence for geometry-dependent universal fluctuations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces in liquid-crystal turbulence
KA Takeuchi, M Sano
Journal of Statistical Physics 147, 853-890, 2012
An appetizer to modern developments on the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality class
KA Takeuchi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 504, 77-105, 2018
Experimental realization of directed percolation criticality in turbulent liquid crystals
KA Takeuchi, M Kuroda, H Chaté, M Sano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 c, 2009
Hyperbolicity and the effective dimension of spatially extended dissipative systems
H Yang, KA Takeuchi, F Ginelli, H Chaté, G Radons
Physical review letters 102 (7), 074102, 2009
Crossover from growing to stationary interfaces in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class
KA Takeuchi
Physical review letters 110 (21), 210604, 2013
Hyperbolic decoupling of tangent space and effective dimension of dissipative systems
KA Takeuchi, H Yang, F Ginelli, G Radons, H Chaté
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 c, 2011
Lyapunov analysis captures the collective dynamics of large chaotic systems
KA Takeuchi, F Ginelli, H Chaté
Physical review letters 103 (15), 154103, 2009
Statistics of circular interface fluctuations in an off-lattice Eden model
KA Takeuchi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (05), P05007, 2012
Estimating the dimension of an inertial manifold from unstable periodic orbits
X Ding, H Chaté, P Cvitanović, E Siminos, KA Takeuchi
Physical review letters 117 (2), 024101, 2016
Memory and universality in interface growth
J De Nardis, P Le Doussal, KA Takeuchi
Physical review letters 118 (12), 125701, 2017
Interface fluctuations for deposition on enlarging flat substrates
ISS Carrasco, KA Takeuchi, SC Ferreira, TJ Oliveira
New Journal of Physics 16 (12), 123057, 2014
Extensive and subextensive chaos in globally coupled dynamical systems
KA Takeuchi, H Chaté, F Ginelli, A Politi, A Torcini
Physical review letters 107 (12), 124101, 2011
Experimental approaches to universal out-of-equilibrium scaling laws: turbulent liquid crystal and other developments
KA Takeuchi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (1), P01006, 2014
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces with inward growth
YT Fukai, KA Takeuchi
Physical Review Letters 119 (3), 030602, 2017
Chaos in the Hamiltonian mean-field model
F Ginelli, KA Takeuchi, H Chaté, A Politi, A Torcini
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (6 c, 2011
Collective lyapunov modes
KA Takeuchi, H Chaté
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (25), 254007, 2013
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Articles 1–20