Wolfram Schulte
Wolfram Schulte
Principal researcher, Microsoft Corporation
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Cited by
The Spec# programming system: An overview
M Barnett, KRM Leino, W Schulte
International Workshop on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and …, 2004
VCC: A practical system for verifying concurrent C
E Cohen, M Dahlweid, M Hillebrand, D Leinenbach, M Moskal, T Santen, ...
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: 22nd International Conference …, 2009
Verification of object-oriented programs with invariants
M Barnett, R DeLine, M Fähndrich, KRM Leino, W Schulte
Journal of Object Technology 3 (6), 27-56, 2004
Symstra: A framework for generating object-oriented unit tests using symbolic execution
T Xie, D Marinov, W Schulte, D Notkin
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 11th …, 2005
The design of a task parallel library
D Leijen, W Schulte, S Burckhardt
Acm Sigplan Notices 44 (10), 227-242, 2009
Model-based testing of object-oriented reactive systems with Spec Explorer
M Veanes, C Campbell, W Grieskamp, W Schulte, N Tillmann, ...
Formal Methods and Testing: An Outcome of the FORTEST Network, Revised …, 2008
Fitness-guided path exploration in dynamic symbolic execution
T Xie, N Tillmann, J De Halleux, W Schulte
2009 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks …, 2009
Parameterized unit tests
N Tillmann, W Schulte
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30 (5), 253-262, 2005
Generating finite state machines from abstract state machines
W Grieskamp, Y Gurevich, W Schulte, M Veanes
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Software …, 2002
Approximating finite domains in symbolic state exploration
N Tillmann, W Grieskamp, W Schulte
US Patent 8,533,680, 2013
An approach for effective design space exploration
E Kang, E Jackson, W Schulte
Foundations of Computer Software. Modeling, Development, and Verification of …, 2011
Specification and verification: the Spec# experience
M Barnett, M Fähndrich, KRM Leino, P Müller, W Schulte, H Venter
Communications of the ACM 54 (6), 81-91, 2011
Controllable combinatorial coverage in grammar-based testing
R Lämmel, W Schulte
Testing of Communicating Systems: 18th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 International …, 2006
A programmer friendly modular definition of the semantics of Java
E Börger, W Schulte
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java, 353-404, 1999
The Essence of Data Access in Cω The Power is in the Dot!
G Bierman, E Meijer, W Schulte
ECOOP 2005-Object-Oriented Programming: 19th European Conference, Glasgow …, 2005
Automating software testing using program analysis
P Godefroid, P de Halleux, AV Nori, SK Rajamani, W Schulte, N Tillmann, ...
IEEE software 25 (5), 30-37, 2008
SPUR: a trace-based JIT compiler for CIL
M Bebenita, F Brandner, M Fahndrich, F Logozzo, W Schulte, N Tillmann, ...
Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Object oriented …, 2010
Model-based software testing and analysis with C
J Jacky, M Veanes, C Campbell, W Schulte
Cambridge University Press, 2007
MSeqGen: Object-oriented unit-test generation via mining source code
S Thummalapenta, T Xie, N Tillmann, J De Halleux, W Schulte
Proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of the European software engineering …, 2009
VCC: Contract-based modular verification of concurrent C
M Dahlweid, M Moskal, T Santen, S Tobies, W Schulte
2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering-Companion Volume …, 2009
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Articles 1–20