Xixia Liu (Leo)
Xixia Liu (Leo)
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Cited by
Liquid medium annealing for fabricating durable perovskite solar cells with improved reproducibility
N Li, X Niu, L Li, H Wang, Z Huang, Y Zhang, Y Chen, X Zhang, C Zhu, ...
Science 373 (6554), 561-567, 2021
20.7% highly reproducible inverted planar perovskite solar cells with enhanced fill factor and eliminated hysteresis
X Liu, Y Cheng, C Liu, T Zhang, N Zhang, S Zhang, J Chen, Q Xu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (5), 1622-1633, 2019
A high energy density aqueous hybrid supercapacitor with widened potential window through multi approaches
SW Zhang, BS Yin, XX Liu, DM Gu, H Gong, ZB Wang
Nano Energy 59, 41-49, 2019
PEDOT: PSS monolayers to enhance the hole extraction and stability of perovskite solar cells
L Hu, M Li, K Yang, Z Xiong, B Yang, M Wang, X Tang, Z Zang, X Liu, B Li, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (34), 16583-16589, 2018
Biocompatible conductive polymers with high conductivity and high stretchability
H He, L Zhang, X Guan, H Cheng, X Liu, S Yu, J Wei, J Ouyang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (29), 26185-26193, 2019
Conductivity enhancement of PEDOT: PSS via addition of chloroplatinic acid and its mechanism
F Wu, P Li, K Sun, Y Zhou, W Chen, J Fu, M Li, S Lu, D Wei, X Tang, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 3 (7), 1700047, 2017
Full Defects Passivation Enables 21% Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Operating in Air
X Liu, Z Yu, T Wang, KL Chiu, F Lin, H Gong, L Ding, Y Cheng
Advanced Energy Materials, 2001958, 2020
Enhancement of conductivity and thermoelectric property of PEDOT: PSS via acid doping and single post‐treatment for flexible power generator
C Wang, K Sun, J Fu, R Chen, M Li, Z Zang, X Liu, B Li, H Gong, J Ouyang
Advanced Sustainable Systems 2 (12), 1800085, 2018
Impact of surface dipole in NiOx on the crystallization and photovoltaic performance of organometal halide perovskite solar cells
Y Cheng, M Li, X Liu, SH Cheung, HT Chandran, HW Li, X Xu, YM Xie, ...
Nano Energy 61, 496-504, 2019
Multifunctional RbCl dopants for efficient inverted planar perovskite solar cell with ultra-high fill factor, negligible hysteresis and improved stability
X Liu, B Li, N Zhang, Z Yu, K Sun, B Tang, D Shi, H Yao, J Ouyang, ...
Nano Energy 53, 567-578, 2018
Revealing the Degradation and Self‐Healing Mechanisms in Perovskite Solar Cells by Sub‐Bandgap External Quantum Efficiency Spectroscopy
Y Cheng #, X Liu #, Z Guan #, M Li, Z Zeng, HW Li, SW Tsang, AG Aberle, ...
Advanced Materials, 2006170, 2020
Shallow Defects Levels and Extract Detrapped Charges to Stabilize Highly Efficient and Hysteresis-Free Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices
X Liu, Y Cheng, B Tang, ZG Yu, M Li, F Lin, S Zhang, YW Zhang, ...
Nano Energy 71, 104556, 2020
Simultaneous edge and electronic control of MoS 2 nanosheets through Fe doping for an efficient oxygen evolution reaction
B Tang, ZG Yu, HL Seng, N Zhang, X Liu, YW Zhang, W Yang, H Gong
Nanoscale 10 (43), 20113-20119, 2018
Fabrication and theoretical investigation of cobaltosic sulfide nanosheets for flexible aqueous Zn/Co batteries
SW Zhang, BS Yin, YZ Luo, L Shen, BS Tang, Z Kou, X Liu, DM Gu, ...
Nano Energy 68, 104314, 2019
Surface-engineered cobalt oxide nanowires as multifunctional electrocatalysts for efficient Zn-Air batteries-driven overall water splitting
B Tang, J Yang, Z Kou, L Xu, HL Seng, Y Xie, AD Handoko, X Liu, ZW Seh, ...
Energy Storage Materials 23, 1-7, 2019
Tunable dielectric polarization and breakdown behavior for high energy storage capability in P (VDF–TrFE–CFE)/PVDF polymer blended composite films
P Mao, J Wang, L Zhang, Q Sun, X Liu, L He, S Liu, S Zhang, H Gong
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (23), 13143-13153, 2020
High-power bifacial perovskite solar cells with shelf life of over 2000 hours
Y Cheng, C Xie, X Liu, G Zhu, HW Li, S Venkataraj, ZK Tan, L Ding, ...
Science Bulletin, 2020
Highly Stable New Organic–Inorganic Hybrid 3D Perovskite CH3NH3PdI3 and 2D Perovskite (CH3NH3)3Pd2I7: DFT Analysis, Synthesis, Structure …
X Liu, N Zhang, B Tang, M Li, YW Zhang, ZG Yu, H Gong
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (19), 5862-5872, 2018
Highly Stable, New, Organic‐Inorganic Perovskite (CH3NH3)2PdBr4: Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties
X Liu, TJ Huang, L Zhang, B Tang, N Zhang, D Shi, H Gong
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (19), 4991-4998, 2018
A new highly conductive direct gap p-type semiconductor La1-xYxCuOS for dual applications: transparent electronics and thermoelectricity
N Zhang #, X Liu #, DBK Lim, H Gong
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (5), 6090-6096, 2020
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Articles 1–20