Jesus Salido
Cited by
Cited by
Face recognition using histograms of oriented gradients
O Déniz, G Bueno, J Salido, F De la Torre
Pattern recognition letters 32 (12), 1598-1603, 2011
Autofocus evaluation for brightfield microscopy pathology
R Redondo, G Bueno, JC Valdiviezo, R Nava, G Cristóbal, O Déniz, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 17 (3), 036008-036008, 2012
Automated diatom classification (Part A): handcrafted feature approaches
G Bueno, O Deniz, A Pedraza, J Ruiz-Santaquiteria, J Salido, G Cristóbal, ...
Applied Sciences 7 (8), 753, 2017
Automated grapevine flower detection and quantification method based on computer vision and deep learning from on-the-go imaging using a mobile sensing platform under field …
F Palacios, G Bueno, J Salido, MP Diago, I Hernández, J Tardaguila
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 178, 105796, 2020
A low-cost automated digital microscopy platform for automatic identification of diatoms
J Salido, C Sánchez, J Ruiz-Santaquiteria, G Cristóbal, S Blanco, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (17), 6033, 2020
Automatic handgun detection with deep learning in video surveillance images
J Salido, V Lomas, J Ruiz-Santaquiteria, O Deniz
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 6085, 2021
Robustness to adversarial examples can be improved with overfitting
O Deniz, A Pedraza, N Vallez, J Salido, G Bueno
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 11, 935-944, 2020
A parallel solution for high resolution histological image analysis
G Bueno, R González, O Déniz, M García-Rojo, J Gonzalez-Garcia, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (1), 388-401, 2012
An automated system for whole microscopic image acquisition and analysis
G Bueno, O Déniz, MDM Fernández‐Carrobles, N Vállez, J Salido
Microscopy research and technique 77 (9), 697-713, 2014
Influence of texture and colour in breast TMA classification
MM Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M García-Rojo, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141556, 2015
Optimization of fuzzy behavior-based robots navigation in partially known industrial environments
MC Garcia-Alegre, A Ribeiro, J Gasós, J Salido
Third International Conference on Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent …, 1993
A review on low‐cost microscopes for O pen S cience
J Salido, G Bueno, J Ruiz‐Santaquiteria, G Cristobal
Microscopy research and technique 85 (10), 3270-3283, 2022
TMA vessel segmentation based on color and morphological features: application to angiogenesis research
M Fernandez-Carrobles, I Tadeo, G Bueno, R Noguera, O Déniz, J Salido, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2013, 2013
Frequential versus spatial colour textons for breast TMA classification
MM Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M García-Rojo, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 42, 25-37, 2015
Automatic handling of tissue microarray cores in high-dimensional microscopy images
M del Milagro Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (3), 999-1007, 2013
MicroHikari3D: an automated DIY digital microscopy platform with deep learning capabilities
J Salido, PT Toledano, N Vallez, O Deniz, J Ruiz-Santaquiteria, ...
Biomedical Optics Express 12 (11), 7223-7243, 2021
Modified reactive control framework for cooperative mobile robots
JT Salido, JM Dolan, JB Hampshire II, PK Khosla
Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Autonomous Robotic Systems 3209 …, 1997
A vision-based localization algorithm for an indoor navigation app
O Deniz, J Paton, J Salido, G Bueno, J Ramanan
2014 eighth international conference on next generation mobile apps …, 2014
A geodesic deformable model for automatic segmentation of image sequences applied to radiation therapy
G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, C Carrascosa, JM Delgado
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 6, 341-350, 2011
Colour model analysis for histopathology image processing
G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M Milagro Fernández, N Vállez, ...
Color medical image analysis, 165-180, 2013
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Articles 1–20