John Thornton
John Thornton
Adjunct Associate Professor of AI, Griffith University
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Additive versus multiplicative clause weighting for SAT
J Thornton, DN Pham, S Bain, V Ferreira Jr
AAAI 4, 191-196, 2004
Tailoring local search for partial MaxSAT
S Cai, C Luo, J Thornton, K Su
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Building Structure into Local Search for SAT.
DN Pham, J Thornton, A Sattar
IJCAI 7, 2359-2364, 2007
Robust character recognition using a hierarchical Bayesian network
J Thornton, T Gustafsson, M Blumenstein, T Hine
AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Australian Joint …, 2006
Modelling and solving temporal reasoning as propositional satisfiability
DN Pham, J Thornton, A Sattar
Artificial Intelligence 172 (15), 1752-1782, 2008
Clause weighting local search for SAT
J Thornton
Journal of Automated Reasoning 35, 97-142, 2005
Neighbourhood clause weight redistribution in local search for SAT
A Ishtaiwi, J Thornton, A Sattar, DN Pham
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2005: 11th …, 2005
Combining adaptive and dynamic local search for satisfiability
D Nghia Pham, J Thornton, C Gretton, A Sattar
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 4 (2-4), 149-172, 2008
A novel approach to model NOW in temporal databases
B Stantic, J Thornton, A Sattar
10th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2003 …, 2003
A local search approach to modelling and solving interval algebra problems
J Thornton, M Beaumont, A Sattar, M Maher
Journal of logic and computation 14 (1), 93-112, 2004
Advances in local search for satisfiability
DN Pham, J Thornton, C Gretton, A Sattar
AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 20th Australian Joint …, 2007
Character recognition using hierarchical vector quantization and temporal pooling
J Thornton, J Faichney, M Blumenstein, T Hine
AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 21st Australasian Joint …, 2008
Nurse rostering and integer programming revisited
J Thornton, A Sattar
International conference on computational intelligence and multimedia …, 1997
Towards an efficient SAT encoding for temporal reasoning
DN Pham, J Thornton, A Sattar
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2006: 12th …, 2006
Adaptive clause weight redistribution
A Ishtaiwi, J Thornton, Anbulagan, A Sattar, DN Pham
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2006: 12th …, 2006
Solving overconstrained temporal reasoning problems
M Beaumont, A Sattar, M Maher, J Thornton
AI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 14th Australian Joint …, 2001
Constraint weighting local search for constraint satisfaction
JR Thornton
Griffith University, 2000
A two level local search for MAX-SAT problems with hard and soft constraints
J Thornton, S Bain, A Sattar, DN Pham
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 603-614, 2002
Dynamic constraint weighting for over-constrained problems
J Thornton, A Sattar
Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 377-388, 1998
Spatial pooling for greyscale images
J Thornton, A Srbic
International journal of machine learning and cybernetics 4, 207-216, 2013
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Articles 1–20