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Cited by
Self-assembly of two-dimensional bimetallic nickel–cobalt phosphate nanoplates into one-dimensional porous chainlike architecture for efficient oxygen evolution reaction
NLW Septiani, YV Kaneti, KB Fathoni, K Kani, AE Allah, B Yuliarto, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (16), 7005-7018, 2020
Investigation of nanostructured SnO2 synthesized with polyol technique for CO gas sensor applications
A Debataraja, DW Zulhendri, B Yuliarto, B Sunendar
Procedia engineering 170, 60-64, 2017
Hollow zinc oxide microsphere–multiwalled carbon nanotube composites for selective detection of sulfur dioxide
NLW Septiani, AG Saputro, YV Kaneti, AL Maulana, F Fathurrahman, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (9), 8982-8996, 2020
Enhancement of SO2 gas sensing performance using ZnO nanorod thin films: the role of deposition time
B Yuliarto, MF Ramadhani, Nugraha, NLW Septiani, KA Hamam
Journal of Materials Science 52, 4543-4554, 2017
Selectivity of CO and NO adsorption on ZnO (0002) surfaces: A DFT investigation
AG Saputro, MK Agusta, B Yuliarto, HK Dipojono, F Rusydi, R Maezono
Applied Surface Science 410, 373-382, 2017
Preparation of MWCNT-Fe3O4 nanocomposites from iron sand using sonochemical route
R Rahmawati, A Melati, A Taufiq, M Diantoro, B Yuliarto, S Suyatman, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012013, 2017
Metal-Organic-Framework FeBDC-Derived Fe3O4 for Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Detection of Glucose
SA Abrori, NLW Septiani, Nugraha, I Anshori, Suyatman, V Suendo, ...
Sensors 20 (17), 4891, 2020
First principles study of oxygen molecule interaction with the graphitic active sites of a boron-doped pyrolyzed Fe–N–C catalyst
AK Fajrial, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, F Rusydi, HK Dipojono
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (34), 23497-23504, 2017
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes–zinc oxide nanocomposites as low temperature toluene gas sensor
NLW Septiani, B Yuliarto, Nugraha, HK Dipojono
Applied Physics A 123, 1-9, 2017
Improved performances of ethanol sensor fabricated on Al-doped ZnO nanosheet thin films
B Yuliarto, L Nulhakim, MF Ramadhani, M Iqbal, A Nuruddin
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (7), 4114-4120, 2015
Synthesis of Nanoporous TiO2 and Its Potential Applicability for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cell Using Antocyanine Black Rice
B Yuliarto, W Septina, K Fuadi, F Fanani, L Muliani, Nugraha
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2010 (1), 789541, 2010
Density functional study of adsorptions of CO2, NO2 and SO2 molecules on Zn (0002) surfaces
AG Saputro, MK Agusta, B Yuliarto, HK Dipojono, R Maezono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739 (1), 012080, 2016
The synthesis of Fe3O4/MWCNT nanocomposites from local iron sands for electrochemical sensors
R Rahmawati, A Taufiq, S Sunaryono, B Yuliarto, S Suyatman, N Nugraha, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1958 (1), 2018
Green synthesis of magnetite nanostructures from naturally available iron sands via sonochemical method
R Rahmawati, YV Kaneti, A Taufiq, Sunaryono, B Yuliarto, Suyatman, ...
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 91 (2), 311-317, 2018
The Effect of Tin Addition to ZnO Nanosheet Thin Films for Ethanol and Isopropyl Alcohol Sensor Applications.
B Yuliarto, S Julia, S Wulan, N Luh, M Iqbal, MF Ramadhani
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 47 (1), 2015
High performance of a carbon monoxide sensor based on a Pd-doped graphene-tin oxide nanostructure composite
A Debataraja, NLW Septiani, B Yuliarto, Nugraha, B Sunendar, ...
Ionics 25, 4459-4468, 2019
Boron and nitrogen co-doping configuration on pyrolyzed Fe-N4/C catalyst
AK Fajrial, MF Abdulkarim, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, HK Dipojono
Procedia engineering 170, 131-135, 2017
Growth and crystal properties of Tl-doped PbTe crystals grown by Bridgman method under Pb and Te vapor pressure
W Tamura, O Itoh, T Amemiya, K Suto, J Nishizawa
Journal of crystal growth 222 (1-2), 38-43, 2001
Growth and electrical properties of PbTe bulk crystals grown by the Bridgman method under controlled tellurium or lead vapor pressure
Nugraha, K Suto, O Itoh, J Nishizawa, Y Yokota
Journal of Crystal Growth 165 (4), 402-407, 1996
Growth and electrical properties of PbTe bulk crystals grown by the Bridgman method under controlled tellurium or lead vapor pressure
K Suto, O Itoh, J Nishizawa, Y Yokota
Journal of crystal growth 165 (4), 402-407, 1996
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