Hesam Khaksar
Hesam Khaksar
Department of Solid-State Physics, Jagiellonian University
確認したメール アドレス: uj.edu.pl
Modeling of contact theories for the manipulation of biological micro/nanoparticles in the form of circular crowned rollers based on the atomic force microscope
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, M Taheri
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (18), 2013
Simulation of soft bacteria contact to be applied in nanomanipulation
M Habibnejad Korayem, H Khaksar, R NouhiHefz Abad, M Taheri
Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (14), 227-234, 2015
Investigating the impact models for nanoparticles manipulation based on atomic force microscope (according to contact mechanics)
MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Powder technology 344, 17-26, 2019
Using Micro/Nano Scale Contact Models in 3D Manipulation of Deformation of Au Particles Under Angular Effect
M Korayem, M Taheri, H Khaksar, SH Bathaee
Iranian Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 7 (5), 33-43, 2020
A survey on dynamic modeling of manipulation of nanoparticles based on atomic force microscope and investigation of involved factors
MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 22 (1), 27, 2020
Modeling and simulation of contact parameters of elliptical and cubic nanoparticles to be used in nanomanipulation based on atomic force microscope
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, HJ Sharahi
Ultramicroscopy 206, 112808, 2019
Modeling and simulation of the dynamics, contact mechanics and control of the nanomanipulation of elliptical porous alumina nanoparticles based on atomic force microscopy
MH Korayem, M Jahanshahi, H Khaksar
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 84, 104060, 2020
Estimation of critical force and time required to control the kinematics and friction of rough ellipsoidal and cubic nanoparticles using mechanics of contact surfaces
MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Tribology International 137, 11-21, 2019
Modeling and control of probe distance, substrate and probe of AFM using AFSMC in the presence of disturbances
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, A Mousavi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 152, 107458, 2021
Manipulation of ellipsoidal nanoparticles considering roughness based on atomic force microscopy
P Panahi, MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2019
Independent and hybrid magnetic manipulation for full body controlled soft continuum robots
K Abolfathi, JA Rosales-Medina, H Khaksar, JH Chandler, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (7), 4235-4242, 2023
Simulating the impact between particles with applications in nanotechnology fields (identification of properties and manipulation)
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, M Taheri
International Nano Letters 4, 121-127, 2014
Nanomanipulation of elliptic and cubic nanoparticles with consideration of the impact theories
MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Applied Mathematical Modelling 90, 101-113, 2021
Contact simulation of soft micro/nano bioparticles for use in identification of mechanical properties and manipulation based on atomic force microscopy
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, RN Hefzabad, M Taheri
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2018
Simulating the AFM-based biomanipulation of cylindrical micro/nanoparticles in different biological environments
MH Korayem, M Taheri, H Badkoobehhezaveh, H Khaksar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Effective parameters in contact mechanic for micro/nano particle manipulation based on atomic force microscopy
MH Korayem, H Khaksar, M Taheri
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11 (2), 83-92, 2015
Studying and simulation of ellipsoidal contact models for application in AFM nano manipulation
MH Korayem, P Panahi, H Khaksar
Micron 140, 102960, 2021
Magnetic microrobot control using an adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode method
A Mousavi, H Khaksar, A Ahmed, H Choi, AK Hoshiar
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Influence of molybdenum concentration on the microstructure and nanotribological properties of diamond-like carbon films
H Zhairabany, V Dovydaitis, H Khaksar, E Vanags, E Gnecco, ...
Journal of Materials Science 58 (33), 13437-13448, 2023
Optimum path planning of elliptic and cubic nanoparticles using one and dual probe atomic force microscopes
MH Korayem, H Khaksar
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (15), 2126-2141, 2022
論文 1–20