Carla Rāfols
Carla Rāfols
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An algebraic framework for Diffie-Hellman assumptions
A Escala, G Herold, E Kiltz, C Rafols, J Villar
Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2013, 129-147, 2013
Constant size ciphertexts in threshold attribute-based encryption
J Herranz, F Laguillaumie, C Rāfols
Public Key Cryptography–PKC 2010: 13th International Conference on Practice …, 2010
Attribute-based encryption schemes with constant-size ciphertexts
N Attrapadung, J Herranz, F Laguillaumie, B Libert, E De Panafieu, ...
Theoretical computer science 422, 15-38, 2012
Short attribute-based signatures for threshold predicates
J Herranz, F Laguillaumie, B Libert, C Rafols
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 51-67, 2012
Improved certificate-based encryption in the standard model
D Galindo, P Morillo, C Rāfols
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (7), 1218-1226, 2008
The kernel matrix Diffie-Hellman assumption
P Morillo, C Rāfols, JL Villar
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2016
Breaking Yum and Lee generic constructions of certificate-less and certificate-based encryption schemes
D Galindo, P Morillo, C Rāfols
Public Key Infrastructure: Third European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice …, 2006
CCA2-secure threshold broadcast encryption with shorter ciphertexts
V Daza, J Herranz, P Morillo, C Rafols
International Conference on Provable Security, 35-50, 2007
Updateable inner product argument with logarithmic verifier and applications
V Daza, C Rāfols, A Zacharakis
Public-Key Cryptography–PKC 2020: 23rd IACR International Conference on …, 2020
QA-NIZK arguments in asymmetric groups: new tools and new constructions
A González, A Hevia, C Rāfols
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2015
Baloo: nearly optimal lookup arguments
A Zapico, A Gabizon, D Khovratovich, M Maller, C Rafols
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Polynomial spaces: A new framework for composite-to-prime-order transformations
G Herold, J Hesse, D Hofheinz, C Rafols, A Rupp
CRYPTO 1, 261-279, 2014
An algebraic framework for universal and updatable SNARKs
C Rāfols, A Zapico
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 774-804, 2021
Simulation extractable versions of Groth’s zk-SNARK revisited
K Baghery, Z Pindado, C Rāfols
International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, 453-461, 2020
Stretching Groth-Sahai: NIZK proofs of partial satisfiability
C Rāfols
Theory of Cryptography: 12th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2015 …, 2015
Extensions of access structures and their cryptographic applications
V Daza, J Herranz, P Morillo, C Rāfols
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 21 (4), 257-284, 2010
New techniques for non-interactive shuffle and range arguments
A González, C Rāfols
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 427-444, 2016
Shorter quadratic QA-NIZK proofs
V Daza, A González, Z Pindado, C Rāfols, J Silva
Public-Key Cryptography–PKC 2019: 22nd IACR International Conference on …, 2019
Matrix computational assumptions in multilinear groups
P Morillo, C Rāfols, JL Villar
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015
Ad-hoc threshold broadcast encryption with shorter ciphertexts
V Daza, J Herranz, P Morillo, C Rāfols
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 192 (2), 3-15, 2008
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Articles 1–20