Palash Sinha
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Cited by
Sensitivity of the GCM driven summer monsoon simulations to cumulus parameterization schemes in nested RegCM3
P Sinha, UC Mohanty, SC Kar, SK Dash, S Kumari
Theoretical and applied climatology 112, 285-306, 2013
An observational perspective on tropical cyclone activity over Indian seas in a warming environment
UC Mohanty, KK Osuri, S Pattanayak, P Sinha
Natural hazards 63, 1319-1335, 2012
Skill of precipitation prediction with GCMs over north India during winter season.
PR Tiwari, SC Kar, UC Mohanty, S Kumari, P Sinha, A Nair, S Dey
International Journal of Climatology 34 (12), 2014
Impact of sea surface temperature in modulating movement and intensity of tropical cyclones
M Mandal, UC Mohanty, P Sinha, MM Ali
Natural Hazards 41, 413-427, 2007
RegCM4 model sensitivity to horizontal resolution and domain size in simulating the Indian summer monsoon
RKS Maurya, P Sinha, MR Mohanty, UC Mohanty
Atmospheric Research 210, 15-33, 2018
The role of land surface schemes in the regional climate model (RegCM) for seasonal scale simulations over Western Himalaya
PR Tiwari, SC Kar, UC Mohanty, S Dey, P Sinha, PVS Raju, MS Shekhar
Atmósfera 28 (2), 129-142, 2015
High-resolution gridded soil moisture and soil temperature datasets for the Indian monsoon region
HP Nayak, KK Osuri, P Sinha, R Nadimpalli, UC Mohanty, F Chen, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-17, 2018
Inter-comparison and evaluation of mixed-convection schemes in RegCM4 for Indian summer monsoon simulation
P Sinha, RKS Maurya, MR Mohanty, UC Mohanty
Atmospheric Research 215, 239-252, 2019
Seasonal prediction of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall using canonical correlation analysis of the NCMRWF global model products.
P Sinha, UC Mohanty, SC Kar, SK Dash, AW Robertson, MK Tippett
International journal of climatology 33 (7), 2013
Influence of different land-surface processes on Indian summer monsoon circulation
AP Singh, UC Mohanty, P Sinha, M Mandal
Natural Hazards 42, 423-438, 2007
Occurrence of more heat waves over the central east coast of India in the recent warming era
MM Nageswararao, P Sinha, UC Mohanty, S Mishra
Pure and Applied Geophysics 177, 1143-1155, 2020
Downscaled rainfall projections in south Florida using self-organizing maps
P Sinha, ME Mann, JD Fuentes, A Mejia, L Ning, W Sun, T He, ...
Science of the Total Environment 635, 1110-1123, 2018
Coupling of community land model with RegCM4 for Indian summer monsoon simulation
RKS Maurya, P Sinha, MR Mohanty, UC Mohanty
Pure and Applied Geophysics 174, 4251-4270, 2017
On the dynamical downscaling and bias correction of seasonal‐scale winter precipitation predictions over North India
PR Tiwari, SC Kar, UC Mohanty, S Dey, P Sinha, PVS Raju, MS Shekhar
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (699), 2398-2410, 2016
A performance evaluation of WRF model using different physical parameterization scheme during winter season over a semi-arid region, India
M Soni, S Payra, P Sinha, S Verma
International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science 1 (3), 104-114, 2014
Role of the Himalayan orography in simulation of the Indian summer monsoon using RegCM3
P Sinha, UC Mohanty, SC Kar, S Kumari
Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 1385-1407, 2014
Evaluation of performance of seasonal precipitation prediction at regional scale over India
UC Mohanty, MM Nageswararao, P Sinha, A Nair, A Singh, RK Rai, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 135, 1123-1142, 2019
Pre-monsoon rainfall and surface air temperature trends over India and its global linkages
P Sinha, MM Nageswararao, GP Dash, A Nair, UC Mohanty
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 131, 1005-1018, 2019
Real-time experimental extended range forecast system for Indian summer monsoon rainfall: a case study for monsoon 2011
UC Mohanty, N Acharya, A Singh, A Nair, MA Kulkarni, SK Dash, SC Kar, ...
Current Science, 856-870, 2013
Seasonal prediction skill of winter temperature over North India
PR Tiwari, SC Kar, UC Mohanty, S Dey, S Kumari, P Sinha
Theoretical and applied climatology 124, 15-29, 2016
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Articles 1–20