János Balogh
János Balogh
Associate Professor of Operations Research
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Cited by
New lower bounds for certain classes of bin packing algorithms
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos
Theoretical Computer Science 440, 1-13, 2012
A new and improved algorithm for online bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, A Levin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.01728, 2017
Application of a stochastic method to the solution of the phase stability problem: cubic equations of state
J Balogh, T Csendes, RP Stateva
Fluid Phase Equilibria 212 (1-2), 257-267, 2003
A new lower bound for classic online bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, A Levin
Algorithmica 83, 2047-2062, 2021
The optimal absolute ratio for online bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, J Sgall, R Stee
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete …, 2014
Lower bound for the online bin packing problem with restricted repacking
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, G Reinelt
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (1), 398-410, 2008
Some global optimization problems on Stiefel manifolds
J Balogh, T Csendes, T Rapcsák
Journal of Global Optimization 30, 91-101, 2004
New lower bounds for certain classes of bin packing algorithms
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos
International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, 25-36, 2010
Online bin packing with cardinality constraints resolved
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, A Levin
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 112, 34-49, 2020
On-line bin packing with restricted repacking
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, G Reinelt
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 27, 115-131, 2014
Online results for black and white bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, H Kellerer, Z Tuza
Theory of Computing Systems 56, 137-155, 2015
Lower bounds for several online variants of bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, A Levin
Theory of Computing Systems 63, 1757-1780, 2019
Black and white bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dosa, H Kellerer, Z Tuza
International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, 131-144, 2012
Lower bound for 3-batched bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, G Dósa, Z Tan
Discrete Optimization 21, 14-24, 2016
Offline black and white bin packing
J Balogh, J Békési, G Dósa, L Epstein, H Kellerer, A Levin, Z Tuza
Theoretical Computer Science 596, 92-101, 2015
Semi-on-line bin packing: a short overview and a new lower bound
J Balogh, J Békési
Central European Journal of Operations Research 21 (4), 685-698, 2013
Improved lower bounds for semi-online bin packing problems
J Balogh, J Békési, G Galambos, MC Markót
Computing 84 (1), 139-148, 2009
Driver scheduling based on “driver-friendly” vehicle schedules
V Árgilán, J Balogh, J Békési, B Dávid, M Krész, A Tóth
Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International …, 2012
Global optimization problems on Stiefel manifold
J Balogh, T Csendes, T Rapcsak
NMCM-2002 Book of Abstracts, Miskolc, Hungary, 19-21, 2002
Bin packing problem with scenarios
A Bódis, J Balogh
Central European Journal of Operations Research 27, 377-395, 2019
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Articles 1–20