Jens Rister
Jens Rister
Associate Professor, UMass Boston
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Dissection of the peripheral motion channel in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
J Rister, D Pauls, B Schnell, CY Ting, CH Lee, I Sinakevitch, J Morante, ...
Neuron 56 (1), 155-170, 2007
The neural substrate of spectral preference in Drosophila
S Gao, S Takemura, CY Ting, S Huang, Z Lu, H Luan, J Rister, AS Thum, ...
Neuron 60 (2), 328-342, 2008
Flies lacking all synapsins are unexpectedly healthy but are impaired in complex behaviour
TA Godenschwege, D Reisch, S Diegelmann, K Eberle, N Funk, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 20 (3), 611-622, 2004
Distinct roles for two histamine receptors (hclA and hclB) at the Drosophila photoreceptor synapse
A Pantazis, A Segaran, CH Liu, A Nikolaev, J Rister, AS Thum, T Roeder, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (29), 7250-7259, 2008
Opposite feedbacks in the Hippo pathway for growth control and neural fate
D Jukam, B Xie, J Rister, D Terrell, M Charlton-Perkins, D Pistillo, ...
Science 342 (6155), 1238016, 2013
Differential potencies of effector genes in adult Drosophila
AS Thum, S Knapek, J Rister, E Dierichs‐Schmitt, M Heisenberg, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 498 (2), 194-203, 2006
The retinal mosaics of opsin expression in invertebrates and vertebrates
J Rister, C Desplan
Developmental neurobiology 71 (12), 1212-1226, 2011
Establishing and maintaining gene expression patterns: insights from sensory receptor patterning
J Rister, C Desplan, D Vasiliauskas
Development 140 (3), 493-503, 2013
Dissection and immunohistochemistry of larval, pupal and adult Drosophila retinas
HY Hsiao, RJ Johnston Jr, D Jukam, D Vasiliauskas, C Desplan, J Rister
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 2012
Mechanisms of vitamin A metabolism and deficiency in the mammalian and fly visual system
D Dewett, K Lam-Kamath, C Poupault, H Khurana, J Rister
Developmental biology 476, 68-78, 2021
Single–base pair differences in a shared motif determine differential Rhodopsin expression
J Rister, A Razzaq, P Boodram, N Desai, C Tsanis, H Chen, D Jukam, ...
Science 350 (6265), 1258-1261, 2015
Regional modulation of a stochastically expressed factor determines photoreceptor subtypes in the Drosophila retina
SU Thanawala, J Rister, GW Goldberg, A Zuskov, EC Olesnicky, ...
Developmental cell 25 (1), 93-105, 2013
Deciphering the genome's regulatory code: the many languages of DNA
J Rister, C Desplan
Bioessays 32 (5), 381-384, 2010
Distinct functions of neuronal synaptobrevin in developing and mature fly photoreceptors
J Rister, M Heisenberg
Journal of neurobiology 66 (12), 1271-1284, 2006
Binary Cell Fate Decisions and Fate Transformation in the Drosophila Larval Eye
AK Mishra, M Tsachaki, J Rister, J Ng, A Celik, SG Sprecher
PLoS genetics 9 (12), e1004027, 2013
Neural substrate of spectral discrimination in Drosophila
S Gao, SY Takemura, CY Ting, S Huang, Z Lu, H Luan, J Rister, M Yang, ...
Neuron 60, 328-342, 2008
Vitamin A deficiency affects gene expression in the Drosophila melanogaster head
D Dewett, M Labaf, K Lam-Kamath, K Zarringhalam, J Rister
G3 11 (11), jkab297, 2021
Vitamin A Deficiency Alters the Phototransduction Machinery and Distinct Non-Vision-Specific Pathways in the Drosophila Eye Proteome
M Kumar, C Has, K Lam-Kamath, S Ayciriex, D Dewett, M Bashir, ...
Biomolecules 12 (8), 1083, 2022
The power of the (imperfect) palindrome: Sequence‐specific roles of palindromic motifs in gene regulation
RR Datta, J Rister
Bioessays 44 (4), 2100191, 2022
A combinatorial cis-regulatory logic restricts color-sensing Rhodopsins to specific photoreceptor subsets in Drosophila
C Poupault, D Choi, K Lam-Kamath, D Dewett, A Razzaq, J Bunker, ...
PLoS Genetics 17 (6), e1009613, 2021
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Articles 1–20